DayFR Euro

retirement, gas prices, taxes, civil servants…

The first day of the month is, as usual, marked by a series of new developments affecting personal finances.

One million small pensions increased, with retroactive effect

Ce 1is September, the pensions of around one million former employees, traders or craftsmen must be increased, by a maximum of 100 euros gross, with an average monthly amount between 50 euros and 60 euros (the precise figures must be communicated soon).

This measure to revalue small pensions, enacted as part of the pension reform of April 2023, came into force on 1is September 2023 for new pensions. For people already retired on that date, two scenarios arose:

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– A part (600,000) saw their pension revalued immediately;

– another (about a million) had to wait, due to the “management operations necessary to calculate this increase”explains the Retirement Insurance.

The wait should therefore end (perhaps with certain exceptions) with the payment of the September pension on October 9. Except for retirees of the Alsace-Moselle fund, for whom the payment of the September pension takes place on September 2. With retroactive effect: the twelve months of exceptional increase not received will be paid with the revalued September pension.

The details | Article reserved for our subscribers Revaluation of small pensions: end of the wait, soon, for more than a million people

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Slight drop in benchmark gas price

The average benchmark natural gas sales price (PRVG) fell by 1% in September, compared to August, to 130.21 euros including tax per megawatt hour (MWh), for customers connected to the distribution network operated by GRDF, announced the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).

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Published every month by the CRE since the abolition of regulated gas tariffs, this benchmark tariff, for all consumers, aims to help consumers compare offers. It is an average estimate of the costs borne by suppliers for the supply of natural gas for a residential customer, including supply and non-supply costs. It includes the fixed (subscription) and variable parts.

A new withholding tax rate

As every year, a new withholding tax rate will automatically replace the previously applied rate in September. It was calculated based on your spring 2024 tax return, therefore based on the income you received in 2023.

The substitution will not take place before the 1st, January 2025 if you have adjusted your rate since the start of the year (whether before or after your declaration), and the rate you have chosen is higher than the rate calculated by the tax authorities.

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