“We Should Beautify Our Lives With His Morality”
DayFR Euro

“We Should Beautify Our Lives With His Morality”

In his message, President Acar wished that Mevlid Kandili would bring peace and tranquility to our country and all of humanity and said, “While celebrating the birth of our Prophet (PBUH), we should also remember his universal messages, his life of faith and worship, his sublime morality, his principles protecting human dignity, the law of brotherhood, unity-togetherness, cooperation and justice. We should strive to be moral with his morality praised by our Lord Himself. Mevlid Kandili, which signifies the arrival of our Prophet, the Messenger of Mercy, to the World, is a season of renewal in which we will beautify our lives with his sublime morality. Our beloved Prophet is the last prophet who introduced us to Allah Almighty, taught Islam and the Quran. He is the prophet of mercy and love. Loving the created for the sake of the Creator is his sunnah. Our beloved Prophet has said the following in one of his hadiths. ‘None of you can be a believer unless he loves me more than his father, his children and all people.’ Knowing and taking as an example the unique life of our Prophet Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) should be the sole purpose and duty of every person. Because our lives gain meaning when we live in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. On this occasion, I celebrate our blessed Mawlid Kandili and pray to Allah that this exceptional night brings peace and tranquility to our country, the Islamic world and all humanity. May our Mawlid Kandili be blessed.”

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Source: News Center


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