Why did Jacques Dutronc refuse to sing with his son for a long time? Thomas explains
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Why did Jacques Dutronc refuse to sing with his son for a long time? Thomas explains

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Father and son shared a tour in 2022, but until then, Jacques Dutronc refused to sing with his son. In an interview with Paris Match, Thomas explains why.

Because he is promoting his new album “Il n’est jamais trop tard” (September 13th at Universal), Thomas Dutronc received Paris Match at his home in Corsica. The opportunity for him to talk about his love life, but also to return to the recent death of his dear mother Françoise Hardy and his relationship with his father Jacques Dutronc.

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If father and son shared the “Dutronc & Dutronc” tour in 2022, sharing the stage with his son Thomas was not obvious to Jacques. In fact, the latter initially refused to sing with his son. “He found it too conventional…”, explains Thomas Dutronc today. “It upset me a little, because that was the concept after all [de la tournée] and what people had bought tickets for.”

The 51-year-old singer and musician also confides that his famous father is the type to ask himself “way too many questions.” “He’s constantly thinking.” Jacques Dutronc finally agreed to sing with his son and go on tour with him. After traveling around France between April and December 2022, the adventure ended prematurely. “We had dates planned for 2023, but he was afraid of being tired […]. Touring, at his age, is a challenge.”

Father and son united in mourning

After the tour ended, Jacques and Thomas Dutronc were able to stay at Françoise Hardy’s bedside, even though she was greatly weakened by illness. Being surrounded by the men in her life also allowed the singer to regain her energy. “The three of us found ourselves together. And suddenly, she was better, she came back again. It was incredible.”

Father and son have supported each other since the death of Françoise Hardy, which occurred on June 11. It was together, surrounded by their loved ones, many celebrities and fans, that they said their goodbyes to her at the Père-Lachaise cemetery. “For my father as for me, it was touching to see all these people.”


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