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Marion Maréchal, the niece who annoys the RN – L’Express

“Sometimes I wonder if Marion Maréchal doesn’t take her dreams for reality…”. This National Rally deputy struggles to hide a mocking grin when he talks about Marine Le Pen’s niece and her latest political initiative. Namely, the launch of a party, announced Monday October 7 in the columns of Figaro. Or rather the annexation of Laurence Trochu’s party, the Conservative Movement (an offshoot of Common , born after La Manif pour Tous), renamed Identity-Liberty, of which Marion Maréchal is now at the head, and which she sees as a allied movement of the RN.

A time to see if the grass was not greener on the side of Eric Zemmour, the granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, mistreated by the friends of the former journalist of Figarofinally returned home at the time of the legislative elections. Stripping, in passing, Reconquest of its two vice-presidents, Nicolas Bay and Guillaume Peltier, elected MEPs with her on June 9, and who also chose to set sail. There is no good company that cannot be left behind. The adolescent crisis away from the family party was short-lived. Here is Marion Maréchal once again vassalized, who assures today: “Marine Le Pen is the legitimate candidate of the national camp.”

READ ALSO: “What a circus!” : between Maréchal, Zemmour and Bardella, 48 hours of alliances and backpedaling

“She’s just creating a shelter to house her friends and herself.”

On the frontist side, the benefit-risk assessment was short-lived: the political death of Eric Zemmour was well worth some sacrifices. The RN group therefore agreed to reopen the door to former comrades, who left, at the time, in the suitcases of Marion Maréchal. One of them, Thibault Monnier, was therefore elected deputy in the 4th constituency of Drôme. Eddy Casterman and Anne Sicard were elected in Val-d’Oise and Aisne. The three parliamentarians are now related to the Frontist group and several close to Marion Maréchal have been hired as parliamentary assistants. It was still necessary to purge some elements deemed radioactive. Philippe Vardon, former executive of the Bloc Identitaire and loyal to Marion Maréchal, once employed at the National Assembly, was ordered to leave the premises.

Another element, strategic this time, challenges the frontists. What will this new party be used for? “I want to carry the voice of a civilizational right which is at the same time anti-woke, anti-welfare and anti-tax racketeering by breaking with the ‘mental socialism’ which has guided public accounts for too long, specifies Marion Maréchal in Le Figaro. To convince as many French people as possible, we will be stronger with three than with two. And the Breton that I am tells you that a trimaran is faster than a catamaran, especially when you have a headwind!” The puppet deputies embody a “conservative-catho-liberal” tendency, which has always had an unfortunate tendency to annoy the boss, but who would have found his place alongside Eric Ciotti. The latter, however, did not want to associate with them, whose profiles were considered “too irritating”. create a new entity which does not have any ideological specificity?, asks an elected official. The trimaran is a little unbalanced. She’s just creating a shelter to house her friends and herself.”

READ ALSO: “If Marion Maréchal makes less than 5%…”: at Reconquête, an end of campaign on the verge of implosion

“The real risk, on the other hand, is that we are caricatured for societal positions that are not ours”

The latter, moreover, were quickly exposed: since they are today affiliated with the RN, there is no question of them evading group discipline. On pensions in particular. Gone are the days when they hoped to make a dissenting voice heard. In the Assembly, sailorism, you love it or you leave it. “They tried to give us their little liberal cinema on pensions, they were quickly put back in place,” says a lieutenant of Marine Le Pen. There are several within the group who wonder about the added value of these newcomers. “Marion Maréchal, frankly…, pretends to ask a deputy. I don’t know what she brings us. The real risk, on the other hand, is that we are caricatured for societal positions which are not ours, nor those of Marine Le Pen.”

In short, in the Assembly, in the Le Pen family, don’t ask for the niece. The latter is not popular, and elected officials easily speak out about the case of this unloved ally. “I think she is absolutely not lucid about her political weight, complains an elected official. She benefits from absolute indulgence because she is part of the family. But if we take stock of her political career, it “It’s a succession of failures. Her rallying to Zemmour has produced no effect, and none of her political initiatives have worked: she only represents herself.” And adding, with a worried eye: “You’re not quoting me, are you?” Because the National Rally may evolve and forge new alliances, there is one rule that remains unchanged: family stories must stay within the family.



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