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Why is kinesiology, in which Laure Manaudou wants to retrain, monitored by the observatory of sectarian abuses?

Kinesiology, a holistic practice inspired by Chinese medicine, seems to have attracted Laure Manaudou, who indicated during an interview that she was considering a career change in this field. What is this practice and why is it monitored by Miviludes?

Laure Manaudou spoke of her intention to become a kinesiologist, as a career change after an accomplished sporting career. During an interview given at the end of September to Current Womanthe former Olympic champion confided her ambitions. “I have completed my kinesiology training course, I have validated my 600 hours of internship, all I have to do is pass the certification“.

Spotted in this interview by several media, the quote has been talked about for several days. The reason: kinesiology is a practice observed by Miviludes, the observatory of sectarian aberrations (Interministerial mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations).

“Radicalization of certain followers”

If kinesiology is far from being assimilated to a sect, the practice is nonetheless monitored by Miviludes due to “the radicalization of certain followers of this movement [ayant] led to excesses of a sectarian nature in which the hygienist dimension raised to the rank of dogma constituted a determining factor”indicates the website of the interministerial mission.

Miviludes explains that kinesiology, a method of holistic therapy, inspired by Chinese medicine, was founded in the 1960s. “A movement born in the wake of the New Age, its followers and sympathizers advocate in a more or less radical way a break with lifestyle habits considered harmful, in favor of natural and authentic choices such as organic food, alternative medicines, therapies non-medicinal or even ecology”details the Miviludes website.

Extreme cases

This practice has led to tragedies, as recalled 20 minutes. In 1996, a young German girl aged 6, suffering from cancer, was taken from her parents who had been convicted of child abuse, after choosing to treat her with kinesiology.

In , at the beginning of the 2000s, parents adopted a vegan diet for themselves and their children to purify their diet, causing the death of their baby, breastfed by the mother since birth, who “found himself in a state of major malnutrition”, according to Miviludes.

Few attempts

An Inserm evaluation report in 2017 recalls that according to the kinesiology union, this practice “is neither a medicine nor a therapy and has no desire to be. It leaves it to doctors and specialists to treat patients and their illnesses. Kinesiology works upstream, on health and well-being -being of the individual and is seen as an educational and preventive approach. Energy kinesiology thus covers wide areas of application: professional, family.

The report, however, points to the lack of controlled trials to assess the effectiveness of these practices as well as the lack of data regarding the safety of the practices involved in energetic kinesiology.


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