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“Additional investigation” shows the full extent of homophobia in the private Catholic establishment

THOMAS SAMSON / AFP The “abuses” of the elitist Catholic middle school under contract were highlighted by a National Education inspection report, unveiled in January 2024 by Mediapart.


The “abuses” of the elitist Catholic middle school under contract were highlighted by a National Education inspection report, unveiled in January 2024 by Mediapart.

EDUCATION – ” For them, homosexuality was an illness, it was the devil, it was unnatural. » The testimony of this former student of Stanislas, a private school in the 6th arrondissement of , is clear: “ I heard homophobic insults all day long. » Pauline (not her real name) speaks publicly for the first time on the show « Further investigation »broadcast this Thursday, October 10 on 2.

The experience of the young girl, who spent nine years of her schooling at “ Stan “, illustrates one of the ” drifts » of the Catholic college-high school highlighted in the National Education inspection report, unveiled in January 2024 by Mediapart. The investigators described in particular a “ climate conducive to the rejection of homosexuality “. An observation well below reality, according to Pauline.

In the investigative magazine, she describes permanent homophobic harassment, from both school staff and students. She says she suffered, from a prefect (a type of supervisor), “ numerous remarks of a homophobic nature » about his behavior and his clothing. Until the incident of “ discord pull », a multi-colored striped sweater that she wore at the time in high school. The clothing is not to the taste of those in charge of the establishment, who believe that it can “ offend some comrades » due to its resemblance to the LGBT rainbow flag.

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« Gays piss us off, homos disgust us »

SO ” accused of activism LGBT”, she would have received many reprimands before being fired “ overnight » from the establishment at the end of 2022, despite very good grades and a prize of excellence just obtained. Summoned by management, her parents were told that their daughter “ does not correspond to the spirit of Stanislas » and has a behavior “ toxic towards peers ». And « immense shock » for the high school student, who has since filed a complaint for “discrimination” against three managers of the establishment.

Management rejects accusations of discrimination and homophobia. The inspection report only notes one “ proven fact of homophobia justifying a report to the Public Prosecutor’s Office » and does not report any testimony from a student believing that he had been stigmatized or victim of homophobia. Gold, France 2 was able to hear from around ten former homosexual students, who all denounce the same thing: homophobic remarks such as “ Gays piss us off, homos disgust us » and incentives to “ go against your sexuality » or resort to conversion therapy – prohibited by law since 2022.

According to Pauline’s lawyer, Vincent Brengarth, the young girl’s complaint would not have ” shouldn’t even exist “, if the public authorities had ” took their responsibilities by deciding for themselves to have conclusions, requests for sanctions and a request for a criminal investigation ».

« A sexist, homophobic and authoritarian universe »

And ” Further investigation » is interested in this private school under contract, it is because it was publicized, in January 2024, by the then Minister of National Education, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, who sends her children to school there. While investigations of L’Express and of Mediapart already described “ a sexist, homophobic and authoritarian universe », the minister explained that she had made this choice due to the difficulties of replacing teachers in the public sector.

Following the publication of the inspection report, Paris City Hall decided, in January 2024, to suspend its annual subsidy to Stanislas, of nearly 1.4 million euros. Last April, a parliamentary report on public financing of private education under contract, which concerns around two million students grouped in 7,500 establishments, revealed an opaque system.

MEPs highlight lack of controls which lead to misappropriation of public funds and the establishment of a “ socio-academic segregation “. According to the estimates of “ Additional Investigation »Stanislas would benefit in total from around 12 million euros per year of public money.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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