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“Communicating the Word”, conference in Casarano of the Nardò-Gallipoli Diocese

Communicating the Word. The diocesan conference that opens the new pastoral year opens this evening at 7pm and closes on Friday in Casarano. “Our diocesan Church – underlines his Excellency the bishop mons. Fernando Filograna – while she continues to live the experience of the synodal path animated by the desire to put Jesus back at the center to bring the Gospel to everyone and everywhere, she is convened to share the joy of communion and the commitment to training with listening as a reference of the Word in docility to the Holy Spirit”. .

Participation in the three evenings is aimed at all the faithful.

In the early evening, assembly on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at Euroitalia – Casarano at 7.00 pm


Padre Jean-Paul Hernandez sj

Jesuit, professor of theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, together with the young people of the international group of “Pietre Vive” he deals with art and spirituality. On TV2000 every week, in the program “Sulla strada”, he comments on the Sunday Gospel.

the assembly will be broadcast live on the Youtube channel of the central Diocese Radio

Thematic workshops will follow, a sort of Itinerant University: THEMATIC WORKSHOPS organized by the areas

Thursday 10 October 2024


The colors of the voice

1st session – 6.00pm / 7.30pm
2nd session – 8.00pm / 9.30pm

The one proposed by the team of the Office for Liturgy and Popular Piety will be a voice education laboratory. The workshop intends to rediscover the voice, through appropriate exercises, as a fundamental resource within communication in general and liturgical communication in particular.
The liturgy, in fact, does not escape the laws of verbal communication to transmit its contents, aware that the quality of the sound of the words is of fundamental importance for the assimilation of the contents in view of the actuosa partecipatio.
Through the “Colors of the voice” method we will be introduced into the vast field of liturgical ministeriality which knows that it must take care of all the properties of words so that the Word resonates in all its richness.


Shèma Israel: listening in the pedagogy of God

1st session – 6.00pm / 7.00pm
2nd session – 8.00pm / 9.00pm

God, in the Bible, is often represented as a God who listens. In the Holy Scriptures, men and women turn to God in their prayers, supplications, and praises, and God is the one who “inclines the ear” to hear them. This underlines a profoundly relational aspect of God, who is not distant, but is interested in and actively participates in the lives of human beings.
The other dimension is man’s listening to God, which is a key component of divine pedagogy. God speaks through Scripture, the prophets, and most fully through Jesus Christ. Man is called to listen to the word of God attentively, not only passively, but with the intention of responding and living according to his teachings. Jesus often urges us to “have ears to hear” (Mark 4:9), indicating that listening is the first step towards understanding and obedience.
In the biblical tradition, listening is often synonymous with obedience. The Hebrew term shema, meaning “to listen,” is closely linked to the idea of ​​obeying. In the Jewish prayer Shema Israel, “Hear, Israel”, it is not just about passively hearing the words of God, but about putting them into practice in daily life. This listening-obedience is the human response to divine pedagogy.
For Christians, listening to God takes the form of prayer, meditation on the Scriptures and discernment of the divine will for the full realization of one’s vocation. Through listening, the believer is formed and transformed. The Church itself is called to be a community that listens, both to the word of God and to the signs of the times, to respond faithfully to the mission to which it is called.
The laboratory will try to create paths of reflection on listening as a principle of every relationship. Listening to the other as a principle of welcome. Listening as a principle of discernment. Listening to God, ourselves, others, to make the Gospel germinate in us.


Words for the future

1st session – 6.00pm / 7.30pm
2nd session – 8.00pm / 9.30pm

Starting from the clear statement of Vatican II on the intertwining between the Word of God and the words of men – «The words of God, expressed with human languages, have become similar to the speech of man, like the Word of the eternal Father, having assumed the weaknesses of human nature, he became similar to man.” (DV, 13) – the workshop will try to reflect on the ethical dimension of the language we use. The only fruitful Word, purifies and humanizes our speaking. In times in which the word is manipulated, trivialized, exploited, violated, we need to rediscover the ethical dimension of speaking. The word, in fact, is what makes us human beings. We believe that the Gospel can be a way of humanization and happiness for everyone, a concrete help that makes us walk with a happy and available face towards our future, even in the midst of the many contradictions that we see and worry us. We are evangelized by the Word: with words, we evangelize.


Family photo. Scriptural intelligence and emotional intelligence in dialogue

1st session – 6.00pm / 7.30pm
2nd session – 8.00pm / 9.30pm

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your emotions in a positive way, for example to communicate effectively and improve relationships. It means acquiring the basic awareness that emotions guide action and have an impact not only on those who experience them firsthand, but also on those with whom one enters into relationships.
The dimension of language is central: the thought and subsequently pronounced word is the main vehicle of emotions; the way of expressing and sharing thoughts is one of the main indicators of the ability to manage one’s emotional life. We could say that words are emotional triggers, therefore their quality also determines the color, the intensity of emotions and the way of approaching one’s internal states.
The objective of the laboratory is to ask whether, through the wisdom comparison with the Word of God and the experiences collected in it, one can acquire a method to question, illuminate and possibly orient the intelligence of one’s emotional world, with a particular gaze. to the use of words in one’s family dynamics.


Jesus the storyteller – Path of the parables

1st session – 6.00pm / 7.00pm
2nd session – 8.00pm / 9.00pm

The Word of God is a Tale of Tales: in it the stories of men, women, peoples, conquests, defeats and victories follow one another uninterruptedly. By breaking into many lives, God wanted to demonstrate his Presence and his Work to the world; for this reason, the words that make up their story are Word, a vehicle that continues to make the Divine Mystery present today. The narrative key, foundation of the announcement of the Israelite faith, is taken up and brought to completion by Jesus, the Word of God made man: to his contemporaries (and to us through the Gospel) He speaks of the Kingdom not through theories or philosophical systems, but through Parables, stories, both simple and profound. The laboratory intends to offer an immersive experience in the narrative mode of transmission of life contents, trying to grasp, through this, the profound connection that exists between lived and told experience: this is precisely at the heart of the announcement of the Faith.



Friday 11 October 2024

ore 20.00

With the third evening of the diocesan conference, we will experience, through music, a final moment of reflection on the theme “Communicating the Word”.

Don Piero Nestola, singer-songwriter and priest of our Diocese, will make us reflect, through his songs, on the values ​​of faith in our daily lives.

“Strong and fragile harmony” is a journey of music and words through which humanity will be represented, with its attitude to wanting to grow more and more despite the weakness of our existence.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 11 October 2024, at 8.00 pm, at the Euroitalia building.


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