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Sammy Basso, the longest-living progeria patient in the world, has died

Sammy Basso died at the age of 28. He was the longest-living patient with the disease in the world Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndromean ultra-rare pathology characterized by “premature aging”. According to what has been learned, Sammy Basso died after being struck by a sudden illness while he was in a restaurant in the Treviso area.

Scientist, writer and activist, a few days ago, Sammy won the Rizzi prize. Interviewed by Tgr Veneto he said: “The message I want to give is about the importance of scientific research and of always believing in what you do.”

The staff of the Italian Progeria Association (AIPro.Sa.B.) which the boy had founded in 2005 to spread knowledge about his disease and to promote research broke the news via social media.

“Today our light, our guide, went out. Thank you Sammy for letting us participate in this wonderful life. We gather around family and friends in respect of the pain in this delicate moment of mourning”, reads the note.

Born on 1 December 1995 in Schio, he showed no signs of the disease at birth. When the little boy was just over two years old, doctors from the Paediatrics Department of the University Hospital of Padua advised Sammy’s parents to subject him to genetic counseling, which allowed them to reach the diagnosis of progeria.

Despite his illness, Sammy, after obtaining his scientific high school diploma at the Liceo Scientifico St. “J. Da Ponte” in Bassano del Grappa, graduated in Natural Sciences and Molecular Biology at the University of Padua.

His first novel Antenorea and his passion for Tolkien

A fantasy book inspired by Tolkien, Sammy Basso tells his passion for the writer. As a guest on What Will It Be, immediately after his 28th birthday, Sammy described his illness in this way and invited people to support research: “The fact that I’m still here is a demonstration of the importance of research”.

When he participated in the Sanremo Festival

Sammy Basso: the friendship with Jovanotti

“I just found out that Sammy Basso died. What an immense disappointment,” he writes Lorenzo Jovanottihis great friend. “The news that Sammy is gone, despite his illness being a constant threat, can be surprising to those who knew him, because it was really difficult to meet someone more alive than him when he was around. When he came to my concerts it was a party. His intelligence, his passion, his culture and ability to harmonize scientific knowledge with an unshakable faith, his formidable humor and his colorful mind, come to mind now.” And again: “We had spoken a few days ago to arrange a meeting when I would pass through the north-east and this morning I imagine Sammy saying “it will be for another time guys…”. “Hello little big Sammy, I remember when I picked you up in front of the beach full of all those people and it was as if Elvis Presley had appeared on stage with me, all those smiles accompany you today. A hug to his family and friends who over the years have been his strength and he theirs.”

So instead Sammy told Storie about the meeting and friendship with his idol Jovanotti.

Locatelli: “Thanks to his courage and determination”

“An affectionate and moving thought for Sammy Basso, who left us at just 28 years old. Thanks to his courage and determination, he made progeria known to the world, becoming an example of strength and hope. His commitment to research and his testimony will forever remain a precious heritage for all of us.” The Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli wrote it on Facebook.

The president of the Fontana Chamber: “An honor to have met him”

“The pain for the loss of Sammy Basso is enormous. Sammy was a friend, a person with a heart of gold, a passionate scholar with unshakable determination who transformed his illness into a drive to work for awareness, dissemination and research , supported concretely also through the activity of his association. It was an honor to have met him.” Thus the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana.

“I had the pleasure of collaborating with him as a minister and I rewarded him in the Chamber in December 2022 for his extraordinary commitment. He leaves us a person who taught so much, with his example, his strength of spirit, his his humility and his smile. Our embrace and our deep condolences go to his family and to all those who were at his side, inspired by his charisma and enthusiasm”, concludes Fontana.

What is progeria

Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford disease – SPHG) is an extremely rare genetic disease, characterized by accelerated aging that manifests itself early in childhood, without alteration of intellectual abilities, but with alterations of the skin, bones and cardiovascular system. It affects approximately 1 in 8 million live births in the United States of America.

Although they are born healthy, children with Progeria begin to show many characteristics of accelerated aging within the first two years of life. Without treatment, the average age is 14.5 years.

Sammy Basso talks about progeria: “I’m a revolutionary”

Sammy Basso talks about progeria, a very rare disease that causes premature aging. Thanks to new research, and thanks to the commitment of his parents Laura and Amerigo who founded the Italian Progeria Sammy Basso association to raise awareness of the disease and raise funds to finally find a cure, Sammy was subjected to experimental treatments to slow down the disease .


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