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TRIBUNE. But when will the left stop flirting with anti-Semitism?

LOctober 7, 2023 marks a rupture with consequences that we have not yet measured. With its savage and limitless attack against Israeli civilians and against all those who had the misfortune to work for them, Hamas opened a new page in global anti-Semitism.

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The cruelty, the barbarity, the inhumanity of the abuses committed, the taking of mass hostages, of young children still in detention, of women, of old people, demonstrate the desire to spread fear with this pogrom of a new type.

Wave of anti-Semitism

Beyond this act which triggered a high-intensity war whose full effects we cannot yet imagine, it is this wave of global anti-Semitism which marks a major turning point in global geopolitical relations.

From October 8, 2023, by completely reversing the burden of facts, the streets of the whole world were able to see parade the dregs of anti-Semites, fed for decades by the militant Islamism of the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafism and by the Iran of the mullahs . In Sydney, the reopening of the gas chambers was even requested. Anti-Zionism quickly showed its true face by demanding nothing less than erasing the Jewish state from the map through the perverse slogan “From the river to the sea” which quite simply aims at the total eradication of Israel and Jews around the world.

As of October 8, and unfortunately it must be remembered as the Western press seems to forget it, Hezbollah rockets fell on northern Israel by the thousands, forcing more than 60,000 Israelis to leave the region.


From October 8, the porosity of the United Nations authorities with the most radical Islamists of Hamas and Hezbollah was proven. UNRWA and the UN demonstrated that they spread hatred, favored war and did not fear dishonor.

From October 8, calls for a unilateral ceasefire with regard to the attacked country began and, unfortunately, was not absent from this ball of false ass.

From October 8, all the so-called “progressive” forces chose their camp, and under the cover of anti-Zionism were able, with cowardly relief, to turn a blind eye and justify the unjustifiable: the return of a global anti-Semitism that believed to have disappeared forever.

In France, the consequences of this drift are disastrous. The left, which we hoped would be sheltered from such excesses, wallowed following the belchings of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his sad LFI collaborators, in unbridled communitarianism creating an “atmospheric anti-Semitism” with consequences dramatic. Today, anti-Semitic attacks represent 57% of all racist attacks against people in France, while Jews account for less than 1% of the population!

The French left as a whole, through its lack of courage towards the populist “conducator”, by endorsing his excesses through an electoral alliance of petty shopkeepers, bears a major responsibility in this development which goes far beyond the sole fact of the anti-Semitism and who sees today, the height of the political error which will pay for itself for a long time, the RN appearing almost virgin, even protective, on this question. After the brief clearing of the European elections and the campaign worthy of Raphaël Glucksmann (under the anti-Semitic attacks of leftist activists, as in Saint-Étienne on 1is May), the PS, EELV and the PCF have chosen the worst alliance to block the dark mornings.

Today, it is the mayor of who is suffering the same anti-Semitic, anti-Republican and anti-secular attacks from the same leftist and LFI activists, directly linked to political and radical Islam.

The left must stop caressing Qatar or Tehran.Secular unity

This drift is still accompanied by a systematic attack against secularism, the best shield against communitarian wanderings and against the role that religions dream of regaining in our country. Beyond anti-Semitism, it is our model that is under attack. The anti-Semitic lever is used against our beautiful and strong Republic, to force us to live in a society where everyone walled themselves off from others, with those who resemble them!

The attack of October 7, 2023 is of the same nature as the attacks that hit France. In , where children were shot dead in a school because they were Jewish. At the house of Charlie Hebdowhere journalists were shot because they were too free towards religions. At the Hyper Cacher store, where simple customers were shot because they were Jewish. At the Bataclan and in , on the café terraces where hundreds of people were shot because they were free. In , where simple passers-by were crushed because they lived in a country and a city that was peaceful, free, fraternal and equal in citizenship. In Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, where Father Hamel was slain because he was a Christian. In Conflans-Sainte-Honorine and , where Samuel Paty and Dominique Bernard died for teaching freedom of conscience…

Do not despair the Republic

This is our model, that of a country where identity does not make citizenship, which continues to be attacked all over the world and particularly in France, to undermine the Republic and secularism, the mothers of freedom, of equality and fraternity, these ideals which so disturb the fools of God throughout the world.

We still want to believe that elected officials from all sides will be able to defend our Republic and secularism. As for the left, which “should not have driven Billancourt into despair” in the 1970s, it must stop fondling Qatar or Tehran today so as not to drive the Republic into despair. The clock is ticking and, soon, it will no longer have the opportunity to demonstrate that it remains a solid and reliable bulwark.


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