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INTERVIEW. “The local mandate is the most beautiful”: Anne Genetet, Minister of National Education and elected in the Lot

the essential
Anne Genetet was appointed Minister of National Education on September 21. The one who was a doctor and consultant also occupies an unsuspected position in Escamps, a small village in the Lot where she has a second home: she is a municipal councilor.

Do you have roots in the Lot?

I discovered the Lot by chance in 2014 and immediately fell in love with this department: its terroir, its culture.

What motivated you to serve on the city council? Are you in charge of certain projects and specific files at the town hall?

What motivated me was obviously my personal attachment to Escamps. I want this village to develop! In my opinion, the local mandate is the most beautiful mandate because we are in direct contact with the concerns of the inhabitants, with the life of a territory.
I have measured the weight of responsibilities incumbent on the mayor. I am in the communications committee. I work closely with the mayor on legal matters, on relations with institutions such as the prefecture, the department or the region. I also keep her informed of the laws that have an impact on our municipality, the possibilities of
European funding too. I measured the challenges of schooling in rural areas. Believe me, this issue will be at the heart of my action. The implementation of public policies down to the last meter is at the heart
of my roadmap. My mandate as a local elected official has a particular resonance in my new missions as Minister of National Education.

Do you plan to give up your position as municipal councilor?

Elected for four years, my mandate as municipal councilor continues until 2026, and I am determined to continue my local commitment. I want to continue to accompany and support the mayor of Escamps, and I am determined to continue to be part of this dynamic team, dedicated to improving our village and meeting the expectations of its residents. Together, we have already accomplished a lot, but our work for the future of Escamps is far from over.

Is your experience as a municipal councilor, on a small scale in a rural commune, useful to you, on a larger scale, as Minister of National Education?

My experience as a municipal councilor in a rural municipality is a valuable asset in my role as Minister of National Education. It allows me to understand in depth the specific needs of local communities and the daily realities of teachers in rural areas, often faced with unique challenges. I also measure the issues of school transportation, the safety of our children on the way to school, the lives of parents who have to travel miles to accompany their children, the distance to middle school, high school or an offer professional training. Whether it is a local or national mandate, being elected offers a perspective anchored in the
concrete, allowing issues to be approached with pragmatism. The direct link with residents constitutes an invaluable source of feedback. These exchanges guide me.

Do you plan to continue coming to the Lot despite your new pace of life?

Indeed, the pace is not the same, but my attachment to the Lot remains intact. I intend to continue coming to Escamps as often as possible.

Do you have any projects for the Lot that would be linked to your new mandate as minister?

Although the Lot occupies a special place in my heart, my action extends to the entire national territory. My ambition is simple: to raise the level of our students throughout , and the Lot is no exception to the rule.


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