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More than 15,000 pilgrims for the “festival” of the Rosary

The Rosary pilgrimage takes place from October 2 to 5. More than 15,000 pilgrims are registered for this 116th edition, which includes several new features.

Certainly, it is “the biggest pilgrimage of the season” to the Sanctuary of Lourdes. Organized by the Dominican family since 1908, the Rosary pilgrimage has become one of the largest spiritual gatherings in , attracting pilgrims from all walks of life, animated by Marian devotion and the desire to pray together at the foot of the Grotto of Massabielle. For this 116th edition, from October 2 to 5, 2024, more than 15,000 registered pilgrims, including 2,500 young people, 2,500 hospital workers and 850 sick people in wheelchairs, joined the Marian city to “walk in the footsteps of Christ” , this year’s theme. All this without counting the thousands of unregistered pilgrims who come of their own accord to this “festival” of the Rosary…

The Crowned Virgin has her podium

Among the new features, a podium has been installed at the foot of the statue of the Crowned Virgin, on half of the rose garden on the Rosary esplanade side. This meeting and devotion point is thus transformed into a place of celebration, since the podium is now the arrival point of the new route of the afternoon Eucharistic processions. A way to break habits in this year dedicated to processions to the Sanctuary. Another new feature is that the podium also serves as an open stage. All pilgrims, from the youngest to the oldest, can offer a musical moment for a quarter of an hour (singing, music, dance) in a time slot in the morning (after mass) or in the afternoon (before mass). procession of the Blessed Sacrament).

As part of the triple jubilee of Saint Thomas Aquinas, this Rosary pilgrimage is also an opportunity to venerate his relics, in a dedicated room of the Maximilien Kolbe chapel and during the Eucharistic processions (at 4:30 p.m.), just as those of Sainte-Bernadette…

In connection with the 2024 theme of the pilgrimage, pilgrims are invited to “walk in the footsteps of Christ” by meditating on one of the mysteries of the Rosary, namely the significant moments in the lives of Jesus and Mary. A welcome is provided every day from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. behind the Crowned Virgin, where young people and Dominican brothers and sisters guide the pilgrims according to their needs in the spirit of the brother’s preaching. Olivier de Saint Martin, this year’s preacher.

The Rosary pilgrimage is also, obviously, big celebrations: four big masses (9 a.m.), three Eucharistic processions with the relics (4:30 p.m.), a big Marian torchlight procession (Thursday at 9 p.m.), a rosary at the Grotto (Thursday at 3:30 p.m.)… As well as catechism, meetings and numerous conferences on both spiritual and current topics, such as the war between Israel and Palestine for example. “Every pilgrimage is a happy moment where every day, every hour counts, as this time of grace will be fleeting. But grace is special in that it fills you with joy in a few seconds since it connects you to eternity “, summarizes Brother Hervé Jégou, the general director of the Rosary pilgrimage.

To find out more or follow the pilgrimage remotely:

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