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Pierre Dudieuzère, former mayor of Vendargues, victim of a stroke


Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

Sep 29, 2024 at 11:29 a.m.

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The former LR mayor of Vendargues, Pierre Dudieuzèresuffered a stroke last night. The man is currently in very serious condition, according to information obtained from a source close to his family. A hard blow for Vendargues, which remains marked by its mark after 31 years of municipal management.

Pierre Dudieuzère gave up his chair as mayor in 2020, giving way to Guy Lauret, his former first deputy. Since then, he has never stopped being involved in the life of his community. A man of dialogue, he continued to advise and exchange regularly with the current mayor LR, as well as with Michaël Delafosse, mayor of and president of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.

A remarkable political journey

During the launch evening for the summer season organized by the town hall in 2022, several distinctions were presented to the former mayor, in recognition of his numerous commitments to the city. Pierre Dudieuzère received the gold medal from the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor, a Senate medal from Senator Hussein Bourgi, as well as the medal from the Métropole de Montpellier, presented by Michaël Delafosse. To close this tribute, Guy Lauret awarded him the honorary mayor medal.

Elected mayor in 1983, he served six successive terms, always with the same ambition: to make Vendargues a city where life is good.

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