DayFR Euro

Aulnay-sous-: a 3-year-old child hit by a car, the driver in police custody

A 3-year-old child was injured in the head on Friday noon after being hit by a car at the corner of rue Henri-Matisse and Place de l’Église in Aulnay-sous-. According to initial information, the little boy was crossing a pedestrian crossing with his father, but the motorist did not stop his vehicle, violently hitting the child, throwing him several meters.

“The driver stopped his vehicle a few meters away, he got out and looked at the scene for a few seconds but did not approach and he left,” specifies a municipal source after viewing the video surveillance cameras located nearby .

When help arrived, the little boy had abrasions on his body and a wound on his head. He was transported to the Robert-Debré hospital in (19th arrondissement), initially “with a guarded vital prognosis”. Finally, “The child is doing well, he was released from the hospital this Saturday afternoon,” indicated a judicial source this Saturday evening.

As for the motorist who fled, he finally went himself to the police station on Friday afternoon, where he was taken into police custody. He did not have a driver’s license and the car was not his. A member of his family, owner of the car, was also arrested for “complicity in not having a driving license”. Both were still in police custody this Saturday evening.

The intersection where the child was struck, located between a parking lot and a playground, is not considered an accident zone according to the municipality. However, it is currently under construction, rue Henri-Matisse being promised to become a “green corridor”. This future pedestrian and cycling promenade will cross the Rose-des-Vents district from the future Grand Paris Express station to the Sausset park and its RER station.


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