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Gérald Darmanin: his break far from with his wife and their two sons after the transfer of power

A page turned for Gérald Darmanin on Monday September 23. ’s top cop for four years, the former Minister of the Interior gave the keys to Beauvau to Bruno Retailleau that day, leaving the new government minister Barnier to collect his files while he returned to the province of to to rest. The end of an era, he who entered the government in 2017 and who was ultimately not reappointed by Michel Barnier on September 21, while the Prime Minister announced the new heads of the various ministries. Now a simple deputy, Gérald Darmanin has given himself a well-deserved break with his family, according to La Tribune Sunday of this September 29.

It is with his wife, Rose-Marie Devillers, to whom he has been married since August 2020, and their two sons, Max-Emilien and Alec, that Gérald Darmanin collected himself to finally take a breath, far away responsibilities incumbent on a minister. Of these, Gabriel Attal’s former rival only keeps one memory and intends to devote himself to new activities in the coming months. From now on, he will take the time to read, think and explore, our colleagues explain. A busier program than it seems, since Gérald Darmanin will then take the road to tour France in order to collect the echoes of communities far from the elites and Parisian political life, which he considers contemptuous for the most popular.

>> PHOTOS – Who are the ministers in the Barnier government?

This next project that awaits him

The timetable of the man who was almost called Moussa is therefore already very precise, despite an express transfer of power. However, it could fill up even more because the former Minister of the Interior will soon embark on a project very different from what he usually does. Attached to reading, which will be one of his flagship activities in the coming weeks, he should move to the other side of the barrier by also turning to writing. Indeed, according to La Tribune Sundaythe politician reportedly plans to release a new book next summer, the subject of which is still unknown.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: Jonathan Rebboah / Panoramic / Bestimage


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