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interactive journey between stars and laboratories

Olbia. The Archaeological Museum of Olbia is preparing to become the center of a space journey for schools and families, with the Aerospace Festivalwhich will be held from 26 to 28 September.

The event, full of educational workshops and immersive screenings, is an unmissable opportunity to discover the secrets of the universe and live interactive experiences that will ignite the curiosity of participants, young and old. The program has been structured to cover different age groups, with workshops and educational activities that aim to discover the world of aerospace.

“We want to bring young people closer to the world of space, so that they can choose their educational future with greater awareness – explains Marilisa Pischedda, director of the Festival and founder of Astec (AeroSpace Technology Education Center) –. Sardinia plays an important role in this field, but adequate information is lacking. With these workshops, we want to stimulate the curiosity and skills of the kids.”

Among the protagonists of the festival there will be Francesco Paiano, author of the children’s book “A little girl on Mars”, who will guide the little ones to discover space launchers. This will be followed by workshops run by experts such as Rossella Parente of the Educational Department of Città della Scienza in Naples, who will show how the Orion spacecraft will take man back to the Moon, thanks to an international project between NASA, ESA and ASI.

Unique and interactive experiences. The festival will not be limited only to theoretical teaching: participants will have the opportunity to build their own model of the SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope), a jewel of world radio astronomy, guided by the National Institute of Astrophysics. Technology enthusiasts will be able to try their hand at building a drone with aeronautical engineer Gabriele Dessena, in a live laboratory entitled “Drone Engineer”.

There will be no shortage of the thrill of projecting yourself towards Mars with Benedetta Facini (AstroBenny), a physics student and astronaut candidate, who will tell the story of the path to becoming astronauts, with a series of activities dedicated to young explorers of the future.

Cinema under the stars and the big final quiz. One of the most anticipated attractions will be the Cinema under the stars, an immersive experience with 360-degree film projections that will bring space exploration to life in a spectacular way. At the end of the screenings, an educational quiz will involve participants to test their knowledge acquired during the event.

How to participate. The mornings of Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September will be reserved for schools, while at all other times registration will be open to families, students and space enthusiasts. It is possible to book activities and workshops directly on the Aerospace Festival website. “The conferences and workshops are accessible to everyone upon reservation – concludes Marilisa Pischedda –. The cinema section under the stars will be spectacular, open even without reservations until maximum capacity is reached.” A unique opportunity to explore the cosmos and be fascinated by the mysteries of the universe, with a program that aims to involve not only young people, but also families and curious people of all ages.


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