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Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) in a public meeting in Mende: “Lozère is a land of Camisards!”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La insoumise (LFI), was in a public meeting on Saturday September 28, 2024, at the Mende events space. He returned at length to his comments concerning Lozère.

Mélenchon, we like it or we don’t like it, but in any case the tribune left no one indifferent during his public meeting, Saturday September 28, 2024, at the Mende events space. A conclusion of his visit to the rural areas of Lozère, particularly in Florac, on Friday. A room almost too small to accommodate the political beast, with half a thousand people, curious or loyal of the faithful. The leader of La France insoumise (LFI) swept away international news, the appointment of the Barnier government and returned at length to his remarks made on Lozère, during the LFI summer universities. A flowing speech of which he has the secret, jumping blithely from one subject to another, like a mountain goat.

A direct response to Laurent Suau

“Lozère is a land of Camisards!”he told the crowd, who did not fail to applaud him for a long time. A Mélenchon who is sometimes a poet, sometimes a revolutionary, but always with strong, carefully chosen words. “Woe to us when we have leaders who do not know the history of their country”he sent again as a preamble to explanations on his comments made on Lozère. “When this miserable quarrel happened that Mr. (Laurent) soft (the president of the Department)to whom I will not say one of the words that the member has already said about him, which is already done. This gentleman is not very original. When there is a problem, it’s Mélenchon.”

A tribute to Lozère and

Returning to the genesis of his words, during a demonstration, where young activists asked him what to do (the mobilization of youth and working-class neighborhoods, Editor’s note). : “What do you want me to say to these kids? Let them go demonstrate in the countryside? The parents would call me crazy.” And the LFI leader lets go of the wild beasts: “I spoke about Lozère and I was accused of having insulted 75,000 people at once.” Taking up the declarations of Laurent Suau on the illustrious Lozériens: “It is not honorable to criticize a department,” he said. “What did I say that insulted you people?” Continuing his speech on creolization and Martinique: “There are 300,000 of them, that’s more than you and they have all cultivated a feeling of intellectual elite. When you make Aimé Césaire, Édouard Glissant, the two world famous, they are among them.”

Sébastien Rome, close to the rebellious leader

Sébastien Rome, former deputy for Hérault (beaten during the last legislative elections by the RN) is one of the initiators of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s tour in rural areas: “He is perfectly aware that the wealth of Lozère is in its people, the Cévenols, among others. The Camisards revolt, there was the desire to keep freedom of conscience. This whole story is not highlighted enough in Lozère. Yet it is our French history.” Considering that rural lands are on the left, “this is the case in Lozère”. Concerning other dates in rural areas, Sébastien Rome remained evasive: “Starting with the Cévennes is a good thing. The relationship with life in Florac is different, it resonates with our program.”

Also citing Patrick Chamoiseau or Frantz Fanon “a thinker.” “In Lozère, I said: you don’t have that. Period. But others, I agree. Mr. Suau invented everything to make himself interesting and he calls me a So, I said to myself: why am I talking about Lozère when I was talking about creolization, the Caribbean… Well, Mr. Suau, you forgot to mention the other resistance fighters in the department like the mayor of Florac for example. I could name others to whom I could pay homage. I perhaps know the history of Lozère better than him. […] And above all you forgot Frantz Fanon, world-famous sociologist, who completed his training in Lozère! This is why I spoke of Lozère when I spoke of Martinique.” An angel passed by and ears must have been ringing.


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