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without Olivier Faure, the “left of government” reunited with Carole Delga

“We must act to demonstrate that the left of government is there, very present, and that it is preparing,” she said in front of the social democratic leaders, in the absence of the first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure, absent after declining the invitation.

For these “Meetings of the Left”, which she has been organizing for four years in this Aude village halfway between and Castelnaudary, the president of Régions de appeared on stage in front of a little more than 2,000 people, alongside Raphaël Glucksmann, a supporter of an opening at the center, during a dialogue where both were able to display their common points.

“We are all together, we are a team,” said Ms. Delga, referring to “a left of government” which “loves business” and “knows how to combine social and ecology”.

Several participants in the Bram meetings, where the mayors of Saint-Ouen Karim Bouamrane, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol and Benoît Payan were present, raised the idea of ​​a “confederation” making it possible to bring together different forces able to take part in this “left of government”.

On the contours that this “confederation” could take, the leader of Place Publique Raphaël Glucksmann, interviewed by AFP, has arranged to meet next weekend in La Réole () for his political return.

Mr. Glucksmann, who with Place publique totaled 13.8% of the votes in the European elections before being more discreet for the legislative elections, also denounced to Bram “the all or nothing strategy” of La France insoumise (LFI) which according to him prevented the left from achieving the appointment of a Prime Minister from its ranks.

The LFI obstacle

“If there was no submission (from the left to LFI), today we would perhaps have avoided having the most right-wing government for many years,” he assured, while Bernard Cazeneuve, at one point expected to assume the post of head of government, was also in Bram.

“The domination of LFI on the left is an extraordinary obstacle to the advent of the left in the government of France, it is also a machine for manufacturing the RN vote in industrial quantities”, estimated the latter while Ms. Delga affirmed : “we have no lessons to learn from professionals of excess and buzz on social networks”.

Under the Aude sun, former president François Hollande wanted to look to the future, while an expected congress is looming at the PS in the coming months.


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