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what is this application that can save the lives of women in danger?

Unfortunately, it was too late for the student, but the application also made it possible to bring together volunteers to participate in the search and find the body in the de Boulogne. “On Saturday, from 2 p.m., we broadcast the disappearance notice to our 110,000 users,” explains the founder. This made it possible to raise awareness among nearly a million Internet users if we count relays on social networks, emails and shares.

Priscillia Routier Trillard has herself experienced several situations of insecurity. A doctor reached out to her with these words: “I believe you, you are not alone”.


Mutual aid between “sisters”

The disappearance of Philippine aroused strong emotion, a phenomenon of identification and, in turn, a renewed interest in The Sorority application. Born in 2021, the free and secure international application available in thirteen languages ​​is based on mutual aid between women. It is sufficiently reliable to be validated by the Ministry of the Interior, the police and the gendarmerie.

Objective: to support and provide assistance to users who feel in danger, wherever they are, on the street, on public transport, at home (in the event of intra-family violence). The association bases its raison d’être on grim statistics: 100% of French women have been victims of harassment in transport, one in two French women say they have been confronted with a situation of sexism or harassment at work; one in three women in the world is or will be a survivor of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime; a French woman died every three days at the hands of her partner in 2023.

“Never alone again”

“When we open the alert, we see all the people around us, in big cities, but also in rural areas,” explains Priscilla Routier-Trillard. In the event of an unsafe situation, we can launch the alert by pressing the main button for two seconds, which will calculate our position and the position of the first 50 people around us, who will be kept informed, can call us, send a message, join us, pretend to know us, or contact the authorities. On average, in one minute, we have 10 to 15 contacts, it goes very quickly. With the app, we know that we are never alone,” says the founder. Knowing that different alert modes are available to users depending on whether they are connected or not, and whether they need to remain discreet.

Facebook post from “The Sorority” team



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