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cases are increasing and this could last

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– Indicators on the rise, Covid-19 back?

Could Covid-19 resurface before winter? The situation is not yet alarming, but the indicators are increasing in all age groups, Public Health reported on Wednesday September 25. “An intensification of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 seems to be beginning”even adds the health establishment, which advises monitoring the evolution “vigilantly over the coming weeks”. In his bulletin relating to the week from September 16 to 22it appears that visits to emergency rooms have increased (+0.3 points).

Medical procedures at SOS Médecins (+1.2 points) as well as hospitalizations after a trip to the emergency room (+0.7 points) are also on the rise. If all age groups are affected, the circulation of the virus is “worn by adults, and more particularly those aged 65 and over”indicates Public Health France. There was 1,013 hospitalizations in this age group after a visit to the emergency room for Covid or suspected Covid-19.

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The vaccination campaign begins on October 15

The public establishment also notes an increase in the level of circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater (+36.3%), and this for the fourth consecutive week. In this context where all indicators are on the rise, Public Health France recommendsadopt barrier gestures to protect against respiratory infections and complications.

This also allows “limit the risk of transmission to those around you and particularly to vulnerable people”insists the health agency. Among them, wearing a mask and washing your hands are strongly recommended. Will Covid-19 take hold this winter? Specialists suspect Covid-19 of being a seasonal illnessbut “you have to wait several seasons to be really sure”explains to Actu the professor of infectious diseases at the University Hospital and University 1 of , Jean-Paul Stahl.

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The scientist insists on the need for the most vulnerable to be vaccinated, but “the last vaccine often dates back to last winter”he regrets. As a reminder, the vaccination campaign for the most vulnerable (65 years old and people at risk of serious illness) begins on October 15 next. The entire population can be vaccinated in pharmacies.


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