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he throws caustic soda on his partner, 3 years in prison

The events occurred last Sunday in a village near , at the home of the victim, who had been in a relationship for a year with this 40-year-old man, in an “alcoholic” context. The victim is the mother of two daughters, one of whom was present on the evening of the incident.

A forty-year-old prosecuted for throwing caustic soda in his partner’s face after an argument was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison, two of which were suspended, by the criminal court of Libourne (), announced the prosecution.

The defendant, imprisoned on Wednesday September 25 and tried in immediate appearance, was kept in detention. His probationary suspension is accompanied by an obligation of care and an obligation to compensate the victim, who suffered more than eight days of ITT.

Recurring quarrels within the couple

The events occurred last Sunday in a village near Libourne, at the home of the victim, who had been in a relationship for a year with this 40-year-old man, in an “alcoholic” context. This woman, who appeared at the hearing with a red turban hiding part of her head, suffered in particular a loss of hair “dissolved” by the product, according to the president of the court.

“I’m very hurt and I’m very scared,” she told the audience. “He lost his temper.”

According to her story, which differs from that of her partner, the latter threw the household product in her face, prepared by dissolving crystals to unclog a sink. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also called caustic soda, is a chemical that poses risks of skin corrosion or irritation, as well as eye damage.

“She didn’t know what it was, it was me who prepared it,” assured the defendant, black jogging pants and well-trimmed beard, describing an escalation of projectile jets between them.

“I received a glass of water, I threw an egg. I received a glass of vinegar and she approached with a glass of product (soda, editor’s note). I threw my hand to clear the glass,” he alleged, pleading accidental sprinkling. Their respective children testified to recurring quarrels within the couple.

The defendant was also sentenced to a ban on contact with the victim for three years and a ban on carrying a weapon for three years, as well as the withdrawal of parental authority over his 17-year-old son. The victim is the mother of two daughters, one of whom was present on the evening of the incident.


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