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In , the man who disfigured his partner with soda sentenced to five years in prison

“My client has the courage to be there to make it stop for her, her daughters, but it is also for all the other victims. » Me Marie Pommies-Courbu recalls extremely serious facts of which her client, scarf on her hair and burn marks on her face, still bears the stigmata.

On September 22, 2024, during a violent argument at her home in Sainte-Radegonde, in Castillonnais, in , she received soda after her companion crushed a tomato on her face and an egg on her face. the head. Aggravated violence for which Yvan Vaubois, 40, was tried this Thursday, September 26, in immediate appearance, at the court, without forgetting damage and other violence without incapacity.

Hair in the bathtub

It was 11:40 p.m. when the police were called by the mother of a friend of the victim’s daughter. The two teenagers were on the phone when Béatrice started screaming. When the military arrived, the firefighters were already on site but not the man suspected of the crime. On site, they discovered traces of liquid on the floor, numerous hairs in the bathtub and a victim with burns to the upper chest, neck and face. Ten days of total incapacity for work (ITT) will be issued to him. “Where were you?” », asks the judge. “I went to my mother’s house. I told my son (17 years old, Editor’s note) to manage and not use water,” replies Yvan Vaubois.

The soda used was in the form of crystals. The defendant therefore added water before throwing it in his partner’s face.

Esther Suraud

The argument would have started with reproaches: the lady would have come home too late while the man was looking for her phone, convinced that it was she who had it. Yvan Vaubois admits to having crushed a tomato and an egg on her but not to having sprinkled her with soda. According to his version, it was she who held the glass and, in a gesture of anger, he made it fly into the air; both would have been affected. “And why don’t you have any traces?” », asks Me Pommies-Courbu. “Because I wiped myself straight. You shouldn’t add water, that’s what I told my son,” the defendant responds with confidence, even a touch of annoyance. “So, if Madame is burned, it’s because of the water?” », continues the lawyer. “Yes,” says the forty-year-old.

A worrying profile

This conflict seems the culmination of several months of violence, both verbal and physical. The victim’s two daughters and the defendant’s son speak of recurring arguments. “At the beginning everything was fine, then a discreet but present control was put in place: don’t dress like that, don’t go see this friend… then there were little pats on the back of the head, insults, attacks of jealousy … It is the breeding ground for an individual who feels all-powerful. A worrying profile, a problematic and dangerous person,” estimates Gonzague Beaufour, for the prosecution.

The prevention of acts of violence thus runs from September 2023 to September 2024. With, already in June 2024, another “breakdown” during which Yvan Vaubois punctured a spa with a knife, tore off the fence, broke dishes, insulted and strongly grabbed his partner by the wrists and kicked her. The police were also called. Facts once again partially recognized. “Yes, I punctured the spa and tore out the flowers but I don’t remember touching it. » Alcohol is part of the equation every time.

“A particular gravity”

“It is shameful to talk about mutual violence. We should not try to reverse the situation which is nevertheless clear. These personalities do not take responsibility. It’s such a classic defense…” laments Me Pommies-Courbu who points out the absence of remorse and the unconsciousness of the accused. For his part, Me Stéphanie Tambo for the defense tried to give the benefit of the doubt. “My client partly recognizes the facts but his version is different and you have no certainty of what happened. »And to plead for indulgence and house arrest.

“For me, the circumstances are clear”, indicates Gonzague Beaufour, who requires “a heavy but essential sentence to raise awareness of the seriousness of the facts”: five years in prison, two of which with a probationary suspension of three years, accompanied by obligations of care, work and compensation for the victims, a ban on coming into contact with the civil parties, on going to the victim’s home and appearing in the commune of Sainte-Radegonde and the withdrawal of the parental authority for his son. Requisitions fully followed by the court with regard to the duration of the violence and their “particular seriousness”.


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