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“Where did it all go? To Michel Barnier’s!”: Jean-Marie Bigard reveals the amount of his “small” pension eaten up by taxes

The comedian said he used to earn up to 100,000 euros a day, but that his pension is now only 6,000 euros.

Invited to the show “Face à Hanouna” this Sunday, September 22 on C8, the comedian Jean-Marie Bigard spoke about the amount of his pension and his former income.

Cyril Hanouna started the subject by mentioning that Jean-Marie Bigard was “perhaps one of the comedians who has earned the most money in indicating that he won “between 80 and 100 million euros” in his career. Comments confirmed by the latter who now believes he has a “small” retreat.

Thanks to his numerous shows, the comedian has earned a lot of money. “A Zenith is 5,000 people… I earned 100,000 euros per day, and I did 150 dates per year”he confided on the set, according to comments reported by Le Parisien.

“I was squeezed like a lemon”

Although he did not finish his career in comedy, Mr. Bigard explained that he received a pension thanks to his royalties. “What is surprising is that we don’t pay the performers, we only pay the authors. […] If I hadn’t been an author, I would have been entitled to about… Not even 3,000 bucks in retirement.” he explained.

The latter then complained of having paid too much tax. “I generated a lot of money, I paid for a lot of things, I was squeezed like a lemon. I never paid taxes in the islands. When you pay everything like an honest citizen that I am, in fact you have nothing left. […] Where did it all go? At Michel Barnier’s!“, he concluded.


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