Attività della Guardia Costiera monopolitana sulla local marineria
MONOPOLI – Due to the fact that you are vigilant about the legality of the fishing industry, it is controlled by the product line. Le attività mass in campo negli ultimi giorni dalla Guardia costiera di Monopoli hanno portato a sanzioni and sequestri. Like last year, the Minister of Agriculture has established a period of time for fishing activities with fishing trains to limit the consumption of fish and to promote sustainable fishing activities. However, for the purpose of operation, the “technical mismatch” is available in the previous and subsequent period at the farm, the weight (at the armator’s gate) is for a weight of 72 days on a set basis or for a weight of 72 ore settimanali. In relation to this last question, the Monopolie Control has a series of controls connected to the computer system in use by the Port Captain’s Office, in particular with connection and satellite tracking across the Blue Box (scatole nere installed aboard dei motorcycle), the number of fishing boats is registered with the Circondariale Marittimo di Monopoli and operates the acque dell’adiacente Compartimento marittimo di Brindisi, sforavano abbondantemente i limiti imposti. Gli certamenti en questione hanno permesso di contestare otto illeciti aministrativi per un totale di 16 mila euro e la attribution, in quo infrazioni gravini, di 96 punti (tra punti Licenza et punti Commandante). On the front of the control of the fishing line, please contact the Guardia staff for the cost of the sale of almost a hundred quintals of products frozen and not frozen. rinsed. It is responsible for immediate sanitization of the appropriate food products.
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