Louis Aliot’s lunar defense after the “Libération” investigation into Jordan Bardella
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Louis Aliot’s lunar defense after the “Libération” investigation into Jordan Bardella

Louis Aliot violently attacked Libération and L’Humanité.

Louis Aliot violently attacked Libération and L’Humanité.

POLITICS – The best defense is still attack. Asked about the publication of an investigation into Jordan Bardella in Releaserevealing that the RN boss produced false documents to hide fictitious work in the European Parliament, Louis Aliot preferred to attack the work of journalists. “These people systematically conduct biased investigations and in the end nothing happens. This case is a complete fabrication, “Libération” is a specialist in that,” enraged the RN mayor of Perpignan on TF1 this Tuesday, September 10.

Visibly uncomfortable and short of arguments, Louis Aliot then completely shifted the debate, under the astonished gaze of journalist Adrien Gindre: “We should rather question their unconditional support for Hamas. The far left is very committed to supporting Hamas.”. Let us remember that if Liberation was founded by former Maoists in 1973, it has completely distanced itself from them and is not or no longer linked to the extreme left.

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Asked about Jordan Bardella’s ability (or not) to prove the reality of his work in the European Parliament, the RN vice-president let several seconds of silence settle in. Then he said: “We’ll see…” “If I were him, I wouldn’t answer, he finally expressed. It is a political police newspaper that conducts incriminating investigations that go very far. I hope that these journalists are as virtuous as their investigations.”. “These are words that belong to you, but it’s a diary.”Adrien Gindre reframed it.

“You’re going crazy”

The exchange did not end there. Without ever responding on the substance, Louis Aliot severely attacked another newspaper with a left-wing stance: “At “L’Humanité” you also have journalists, that did not prevent it from being in the service of Nazi Germany”. A (random) reference to the Second World War, a period during which the communist newspaper was banned and had to resort to publishing clandestinely. “This is an investigation, an inquiry. If it bothers you, look at what’s in it, Then the presenter of the show, Bruce Toussaint, intervened. Ask you a question, you go crazy”.

The sequence, relayed on social networks and commented on many times, has aroused the anger of many left-wing leaders, who deplore unjustified attacks against the press. “Shame on those who ally themselves with such people and thanks to the press for its essential work”reacted the communist senator Pierre Ouzoulias. “What would freedom of the press be like with the RN in power?”asked the national secretary of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier. “I hope for Jordan Bardella that he will be more convincing in front of his judges than Louis Aliot was in front of Adrien Gindre. Thanks to Libération, to l’Humanité and to the press for showing the true face of the extreme right”added the former head of the PCF list for the European elections, Léon Deffontaines.

The day before, Jordan Bardella had responded to the survey of Release who questioned him: “Your accusations are false and defamatory. Neither the European Parliament nor the French justice system had found fault with the reality of my work.” In a few days, the trial of parliamentary assistants involving the far-right party will begin.

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