Philippe Lellouche on TOTEM: for better or for laughter
DayFR Euro

Philippe Lellouche on TOTEM: for better or for laughter

He is a kind of Swiss army knife. Playwright, stage and film actor. Television is also his playground. This Wednesday, September 11, Philippe Lellouche will revive “Que le meilleur gagne”, the famous game show from the 90s. With Anne-Sophie Girard, he will present on M6 a special prime-time number that will pit the generations against each other, each represented by a personality.

On this occasion, Philippe Lellouche is your guest of the week in The Secret GardenAt 9:10 he tells you his story through the pivotal stages of his life.

A cult show for its return to TV

Created on La Cinq from 1991 to 1992, taken over by France 2 from 1992 to 1995 and then from 2012 and 2015, this legendary game show, adapted from an English show, saw dozens of candidates compete on general knowledge questions. Each correct answer allowed the candidate to stay in the race, while a wrong answer eliminated the candidate, until only one remained, the best.

Nagui was the first to host this game show. He was replaced by Laurent Petitguillaume for the midday shows in 1993, then by Laurence Boccolini in 1995. Nagui took over the reins during a temporary return of the show in the early 2010s.

For Philippe Lellouche, brother of actor and director Gilles Lellouche, this new adventure marks his return to television after his departure from “Top Gear France” in 2023.



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