Eric Piolle refuses to arm the municipal police so as not to “expose them to risks”
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Eric Piolle refuses to arm the municipal police so as not to “expose them to risks”

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Grenoble and its metropolitan area have recorded several episodes of gun violence over the summer, which have left one dead and a dozen injured. A municipal agent was killed by two bullets on Sunday morning.

A municipal officer was shot in cold blood while trying to prevent a reckless driver who caused a road accident from fleeing on Sunday. Asked on BFMTV whether or not to arm municipal police officers, the mayor of Grenoble, Éric Piolle, reaffirmed his position: “As an employer, I believe that arming our municipal police is exposing them to missions that are not theirs and to risks that I am not prepared to take for them,” he declaredand.

“The municipal police are there for the public tranquility of the inhabitants. They work in cooperation with the national police. We have a cooperation agreement. We hold meetings every month in each sector on the prevention and security of delinquency,” the mayor said. Since this summer, Grenoble and its urban area have recorded several episodes of gun violence during the summer, which have left one person dead and around ten injured.

Regarding video surveillance cameras, Eric Piolle said he still did not think that “Putting a camera behind every citizen will make things move forward”. “I think our security cannot be at the expense of our freedom. I think we have to use the tools that are at our disposal, but the first tool is a human tool.”

He has no modesty, no decency.

Eric Piolle on Christian Estrosi

The mayor of Grenoble took the opportunity to respond to the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, who declared the day before on BFMTV-RMC that “everyone knows that Éric Piolle is a mayor who is not not necessarily safe, authoritarian”. “This is not the first time. You know that after the Paris attacks he accused Anne Hidalgo of doing nothing about insecurity, and boasted that in Nice, it could not happen thanks to his measures.”recalled Eric Piolle. “Six months later we were all at his side when Nice was hit by terrorist attacks. He has no modesty, no decency, I leave him to his faults, including in this period of mourning”decided the mayor of Grenoble.


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