Municipal employee shot dead in Grenoble: who is the 25-year-old man suspected of killing Lilian Dejean?
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Municipal employee shot dead in Grenoble: who is the 25-year-old man suspected of killing Lilian Dejean?

the essential
The man suspected of shooting dead Lilian Dejean, a municipal officer, in Grenoble on Sunday evening has been identified. The 25-year-old Frenchman is known to the police for various offences, including “drug trafficking”. He is actively being sought.

The search continues to find the author of the shots that cost the life of Lilian Dejean, a municipal agent, in Grenoble on Sunday, September 8. A man has been identified. He is known to the justice system, in particular for “drug trafficking” and is “actively sought”.

Also read:
Municipal employee shot dead in Grenoble: the man suspected of killing Lilian Dejean has been identified, he is known to the courts

“A suspect in the murder of Lilian Dejean has been identified and is being actively sought,” announced the Grenoble public prosecutor, Eric Vaillant, on Monday evening, confirming information from the Dauphine Liberated.

Involved in drug trafficking

The suspect is a 25-year-old man, born in France. According to information from Parisianthe individual would answer to the name of Abdoul D. The suspect was prohibited from possessing a weapon until 2028, notes The Dauphiné Libéré.

“Four searches took place on Sunday and Monday in places where he is likely to live” with the support of the RAID (Recherche assistance intervention dissuasion) teams, added the prosecutor. “The man is known to the justice system for various offences”, including “theft, violence and drug trafficking”, also specified Eric Vaillant.

A rental vehicle registered abroad

At the time he caused the traffic accident that preceded Lilian D’s murder, the individual was driving an Audi sports car. This also appears to be the investigators’ main lead.

The rental vehicle, registered in Poland, had already been seen several times in the Grenoble area. According to the Dauphine Liberateddifferent drivers took turns driving the car in the days leading up to the tragedy.


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