Assessments at school, middle school and high school: from CP to 10th grade, what are your children being asked questions about?
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Assessments at school, middle school and high school: from CP to 10th grade, what are your children being asked questions about?

the essential
Student assessments in elementary, middle and high schools begin this Monday, September 9. Different skills will be assessed by teachers. What topics will students have to answer?

A week after the start of the school year, it is already time for assessments. National assessments of students begin this Monday, September 9 at primary, secondary and high schools. They will take place between September 9 and 20. No grades on the horizon but results that will help teachers better understand the skills of each student. What do these assessments focus on?


The CP beginning assessments consist of 5 sequences of 8 to 12 minutes each: 3 in French and 2 in math. Children will be questioned on their knowledge of letters, manipulation of syllables and phonemes and on their understanding of the language, on the use of numbers up to 10 and in geometry. Other assessments will be organized between January 13 and 24, 2025. Click here to learn more about CP assessments.

Not CE1

The CE1 beginning assessments consist of 5 sequences: 2 in math and 3 in French. The math assessments are two sequences of 13 and 15 minutes. The French tests consist of two group sequences of 12 and 13 minutes and an individual reading sequence of two times 1 minute. The questions will be used to gauge mastery of reading, writing and understanding of oral and written language. In math, students will have questions on numbers, mental calculation, online calculation, problem solving and observation of geometric figures. Click here to learn more about the CE1 assessments.


The CE2 assessments include 6 sequences: 4 in French and 2 in math. In French, students will have to participate in three group sequences of 13, 14 and 18 minutes and an individual reading sequence of 1 minute. In math, two sequences of 17 and 19 minutes are planned. The assessments will focus on reading proficiency, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and understanding of oral and written language. In mathematics, the questions will concern the understanding and use of numbers, mental calculation, written calculation and problem solving. Click here to learn more about the CE2 assessments.

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CM1 assessments are divided into 6 sequences: 4 in French and 2 in math. Math is divided into two sequences of 29 minutes each. In French, students will take three group sequences of 28, 30 and 30 minutes and an individual reading sequence of 1 minute. The assessments will focus on reading proficiency, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and understanding of oral and written language. In math, students will have to be able to answer questions on understanding and using numbers, mental calculation, written calculation and problem solving. Click here to learn more about CM1 assessments.

And CM2

The CM2 assessments are divided into 6 sequences: 4 in French and 2 in math. In French, students will work on three group sequences of 28, 33 and 39 minutes and an individual reading sequence of 1 minute. In math, the two sequences will last 38 minutes each. The assessments will focus on mastery of reading aloud, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and understanding of oral and written language. In math, the questions will concern the understanding and use of numbers, mental calculation, written calculation and problem solving. Click here to learn more about the CM2 assessments.

Not 6e

In middle school in 6th grade, the tests always concern French and maths. In French, there is a 1-hour group session and a 1-minute individual test. The questions will focus on oral comprehension, written comprehension, language study and reading aloud. In maths, the test lasts 1 hour and will include questions on numbers and calculations, quantities and measurements, space and geometry. These tests are all the more important since, starting this school year, classes will be separated into “needs groups” in French and maths to allow teachers and students to work in small groups. Click here to find out more about the assessments in 6th grade.

In 5th

For the second year of middle school, students take a 1-hour math test that focuses on automatisms. In French, there is a 1-hour group session to identify language and linguistic skills and a 1-minute individual test to test reading aloud. Click here to learn more about the 5th grade assessments.

And 4th

No change in 4th grade: students are again questioned on French and maths. In French, the assessments include a 1-hour group session and a 1-minute individual test with oral comprehension, written comprehension, language study and reading aloud. In maths, for 1 hour, 4th grade students will have to work on questions of space and geometry; sizes and measurements; numbers and calculations; data organization and management, functions. Click here to learn more about the assessments in 4th grade.

A 3rd

The assessments at the beginning of 3rd grade are quite similar to those in 5th grade. In French, students work on language and linguistic skills during a 1-hour group session followed by an individual test of 1 minute of reading aloud. In math, a 1-hour group session on automatisms is planned. Click here to learn more about assessments in 3rd grade.

And a second

At the beginning of the general, technological or professional second year, each student will take a placement test to identify their skills and needs. The French test lasts 50 minutes and covers oral comprehension, written comprehension and language study. In math, the duration is also 50 minutes. The assessments will cover the organization and management of data and functions; numbers and calculations; space and geometry; algebraic expressions (in general and technological second year only). Click here to learn more about assessments in second year.

At each level, the results of these evacuations will allow teachers to adapt their teaching practices to meet the needs of each student. An individual assessment will be shared with the student and his or her family.


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