Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) talks about his ritual that is supposed to bring him luck in gambling
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Emilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) talks about his ritual that is supposed to bring him luck in gambling

Emilien will soon celebrate his first anniversary as midday master in The 12 Midday Shots. To achieve victory every time, he has a superstitious ritual… and an impressive capacity for learning.

What if his secret was there? After almost a year as midday master in The 12 Midday ShotsEmilien, 21, is the biggest winner of TV games. With nearly 1.5 million euros in his kitty and 346 participations, he is impressive. So much so that the show 50mn Inside followed him for 24 hours to discover his little secrets. A number that viewers were able to see this Saturday, September 7 on TF1. Emilien confides in particular that he always experiences a form of stage fright before each shoot. “There is always a little stress. We know that at each show, the place is put into play again.”he said, lucidly. On several occasions, experienced candidates and mistakes on his part have put him in danger. Fortunately, the history student has his little secret: “I wear mismatched socks to try to bring myself luck. Really, it’s a superstition.”

Emilien continues to train between two shoots to learn new things

You would have thought that Emilien’s immense knowledge on a myriad of subjects would be enough for him to have the confidence to win, again and again. But the mind sometimes has strange ways of working. The midday master, who will celebrate a full year of participation on September 25, is therefore counting on his socks to give him strength. This does not prevent him from constantly revising to last in the game. For example, he reveals that during breaks in filming – several shows are recorded in a single afternoon – he takes the opportunity to learn new things. “As soon as there is something I don’t know or that I would like to remember, I open a tab on the Internet. It’s also my little way of revising. It’s a pleasure, I learn things, I was already learning things before coming here, I’m still learning. Now it gives me a goalhe explains.

Emilien’s grandmother is the reason he took part in the 12 Midday Shots

In 50mn Insidethis September 7, we also learned that Emilien had already tried to do The 12 Midday Shots a few years ago. “When I turned 18, I tried castings, I didn’t get in”he reveals. It was his grandmother who encouraged him to try his luck again. Needless to say, she was right. For a year, viewers have been wondering how far Emilien will go. For now, he impresses us every time.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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