A very political return for Marine Le Pen in the hubbub of the Hénin-Beaumont flea market
DayFR Euro

A very political return for Marine Le Pen in the hubbub of the Hénin-Beaumont flea market

Marine Le Pen has not changed her habits. As she has done for a long time – almost every year since 2007 – the RN candidate in the last two presidential elections has chosen to make her political comeback in Hénin-Beaumont, on the occasion of the flea market. Re-elected as MP for the 11e constituency of Pas-de-Calais at the end of June, the adopted Héninoise wandered for a while in the aisles of the flea market, alongside her faithful, the mayor Steeve Briois and Bruno Bilde, RN deputy of the 12e neighboring constituency.

She should then speak about the national political situation, she who imposed herself at the center of the game in the negotiations for the nomination of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister. She indeed approved the choice of the old Republican veteran by assuring the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron that the National Rally would not censure a priori the former negotiator of the European Union during Brexit.

Surrounded by a crowd of media, Marine Le Pen repeated that she was not “ Macron’s HRD ” but for all that, she gives the new Prime Minister a chance if he does not “ don’t cross the red line ” Asked about the sustainability of the Barnier government, Marine Le Pen did not, however, give it ” more than a year “, believing that legislative elections would then be inevitable.


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