The mayor of Saint-Ouen refuses Michel Barnier’s outstretched hand to the left
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The mayor of Saint-Ouen refuses Michel Barnier’s outstretched hand to the left


Antoine Grotteria

Published on

Sep 7, 2024 at 7:46 p.m.

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His name had been circulating in the corridors of Matignon as a successor to Gabriel Attal. The mayor of Saint-Ouen, Karim Bouamrane, was questioned by France Info this Saturday, September 7, 2024 on the statements of the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier, saying he was “open” to the presence left-wing personalities in the future government. The opportunity to clarify his position and to rule out the idea of ​​a presence in the new government team.

The role of the RN pinned by the left

“I would say thank you to him, but “That would be a compromise.”said the socialist mayor, expressing his refusal to collaborate with “a Prime Minister who would have the approval of the National Rally”The arrival of the former European Commissioner, a member of the LR, at Matignon has highlighted the alleged role of the far-right party and its leader Marine Le Pen.

Because the RN indicated that it would not automatically censure the head of government, waiting for the presentation of his general policy. A different position from the New Popular Front (NFP) parties, which all denounced the entry into office of the former minister and ex-MEP. The former president Francois Hollandenow a member of parliament, considered that the RN had given its “quitus” to Michel Barnier.

This Saturday, September 7, the head of government hammered home that he “was under the surveillance of all French people”, responding to the statements of the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella.

In this particular political situation, the mayor of Saint-Ouen wants to play his personal card. It is in this sense that he will launch the movement La France humaine et forte, at the beginning of October 2024, as several media outlets have reported, such as Release or LCI. The first meeting will take place at stade farmerthe lair of the Red Star, in Saint-Ouen.

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