Weather forecast for Sunday: heavy rain in the northwest, violent storms in the southeast and calmer elsewhere
DayFR Euro

Weather forecast for Sunday: heavy rain in the northwest, violent storms in the southeast and calmer elsewhere

Highlights of the day

– heavy rains over a large north-western quarter of the country

– Mediterranean and Cévennes episode in the south-east

– general drop in temperatures

Temperatures drop this weekend © the weather channel

This morning

It is raining heavily in Brittany and Normandy. From the southwest to the northeast, the sky is changeable with showers near the Pyrenees. Near the Mediterranean, if Roussillon is dry, the sky quickly becomes threatening from Corsica to the Cévennes to the Côte d’Azur going up towards Rhône-Alpes and the Jura with thunderstorms before midday.

It is mild under clouds, rain and showers with 14 to 20°C on average, up to 23°C in Corsica.

This afternoon

In the north, the sometimes heavy rains extend from Vendée to the neighbouring regions of the Channel. Nord-Pas-de-Calais and the Ardennes are affected in the late afternoon. From the Pyrenees to the Grand Est, the weather is changeable with a risk of showers. From the Cévennes to Corsica and from Provence Côte d’Azur to Rhône-Alpes to Franche-Comté, caution is advised due to the stormy rains which increase over the hours and are occasionally accompanied by a risk of hail.

The maximum temperatures are significantly lower than yesterday and range from 16°C near the Channel in the rain to 25°C on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Cumulative rainfall on Sunday, September 8 © the weather channel


Over a large northern and western third of the territory, the rains continue, losing a little in intensity. In the southwest as far as Roussillon where the tramontane wind rises, clearings finally prevail. On the other hand, the weather is very unsettled in the southeast as far as Rhône-Alpes and Jura with occasional violent storms, an improvement being expected during the night in these regions with the evacuation of the disturbance towards Switzerland and Italy.

Weather Trend: What You Need to Know

On Monday, an easterly return brings some rain north of the Seine. In the rest of the country, the weather is unstable with showers. Near the Mediterranean, it is improving with the return of clear spells and the mistral and tramontane winds. Afterwards, cool and autumnal weather sets in. Snow will make a notable appearance above 1800 meters.


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