“Abominable”, “Simply monstrous”: Charlie Hebdo’s caricature on the Matignon consultations and the Mazan trial heavily criticized
DayFR Euro

“Abominable”, “Simply monstrous”: Charlie Hebdo’s caricature on the Matignon consultations and the Mazan trial heavily criticized

A disturbing parallel

The drawing is signed by the cartoonist Félix. It shows Emmanuel Macron, naked with a camera in his hand, filming dozens of men waiting to rape Marianne. A bottle of “rohypnol”, also called “date rape drug” is placed on the table. The illustration is accompanied by the text: “Matignon, the consultations continue”.

The cartoon draws a parallel between Emmanuel Macron’s many interviews, in search of his Prime Minister, and the Mazan rape trial. A link that is not to everyone’s taste.

“No respect”, “Horrible”

“Shame”, “No respect”, “Awful”, “Really disgusting”, can be read under the cartoon shared by the satirical daily on X.


You are neither funny nor iconoclastic: you are just monstrous.

“Abominable!” lamented Antoine Léaument, LFI MP for Essonne. “Do you have no respect for the dignity of such a courageous woman who is fighting to obtain justice after the horror she suffered? You are neither funny nor iconoclastic: you are just monstrous.”

The Mazan rape trial opened on Monday, September 2. 51 men are being tried for committing rapes on Gisèle P., organized by her husband who drugged her and filmed the intercourse. An extraordinary trial is taking place in the south of France.

Mazan rape trial: “The police saved my life,” says Gisèle P.


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