Eric Di Meco plaque Antoine Dupont
DayFR Euro

Eric Di Meco plaque Antoine Dupont

Eric Di Meco is known for his outspokenness, which he has been using for several years on RMC. However, the former OM defender is not limited to football, as his new target is Antoine Dupont.

When Eric Di Meco speaks on RMC, we listen and savor. The former OM defender did not miss his reconversion in the media, becoming one of the most listened to consultants in France. If he knows how to give a relevant opinion on football, he does not limit himself to the round ball. This is all the more the case since he participates in the Super Moscato Show where the oval ball titillates its round counterpart. Never short of rants on rugby either, Eric Di Meco criticized the presence of Antoine Dupont at the last Olympic Games in Paris.

Dupont humiliated rugby 7s, Di Meco doesn’t like it

The scrum-half of the French XV was selected in the French rugby 7s team. A memorable performance since he guided the Blues to the gold medal, the first in this sport. However, he had the status of a luxury joker, which did not prevent him from changing the course of the final. Against Fiji, he scored two tries and offered a third to a partner. All this was achieved in a single half. Enough to excite the French supporters but to infuriate Eric Di Meco.

« What happened with Dupont is catastrophic for rugby 7s. The best player in the world plays three minutes per match and crosses the stadium. That means that rugby 7s players are third division players. It’s a terrible image! “, he said on RMC. A vision that will not be shared by rugby fans, who will undoubtedly prefer to insist on the extraordinary talent of Antoine Dupont.


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