France services: a first positive assessment according to the Court of Auditors
DayFR Euro

France services: a first positive assessment according to the Court of Auditors

In the words of the Court: “Heir to public service houses, The France Services program has managed to rapidly deploy its network across the country and to offer an increased offering as well as a more consistent quality of service.thanks to more demanding labeling and an expanded operator partnership.”

Compared to the network of public service centers (MSAP), the France services network of spaces:

  • has a territorial network twice as dense (there were 1,340 MSAPs at the end of 2018);
  • offers a more consistent quality of service, thanks to a label based on 30 criteria (compared to 9 for MSAPs) and an expanded operator partnership.

The bouquet of services comprising six themes (training, employment and retirement, justice, health prevention, budget, civil status and family, housing, mobility and mail) allows you tocarry out, in a single location, nearby, procedures relating to various administrations.

80% of the support concerns five of the nine national operators:

  • France Titles (formerly National Agency for Secure Titles) 19% ;
  • National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) 16%;
  • National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) 16%;
  • General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFIP) 15%;
  • National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) 14%.

The effectiveness of the network in terms of concrete results for the user is measured by the rate of completion of procedures without “redirection“towards an operator of the France services network. This rate was 79.5% in 2021 with a target in 2022 of 90% falling to 80% in 2023.

The Court notes that the quality of support also helps to reduce users’ failure to exercise their rights.


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