Why the cursed tribe candidates are really in bad shape

Why the cursed tribe candidates are really in bad shape

Explanations of how the new mechanics work, which distinguishes the new season of the adventure game produced by ALP for TF1.

Of the 24 candidates for departure, “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe” 22 competed in a first event at the end of which two women and two men “lost their place in the adventure”. This is what they were told Denis Brogniart during the first moments of filming last spring in the Philippines. Failing to join the two teams formed by Ugo and Frédéric, these four outcasts were directed to a dark beach with blackened sand: the island of the cursed tribe.

“A particularly inhospitable island”assures the TF1 presenter. “You are on borrowed time, all is not yet lost”learned Mélissa, Vanessa, Ilyesse and Nathanaël in a message upon their arrival. “Ultimately, only two members of the cursed tribe will be saved and two others will be permanently eliminated.”informs Denis Brogniart in his comments, emphasizing that the four castaways are unaware of this outcome.

“Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”: the 24 candidates

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Also read“What serves me in life is a disservice to me in the game”: the confidences of Lola from “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”

The uncertain future of the candidates of “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”

Until the morning of the 4th day, the four members of the cursed tribe knew nothing of what awaited them. For 48 hours, they were left to their own devices in their camp without the slightest presence of the film crews who withdrew on the morning of the 2nd day. Deprived of the comfort and immunity tests that punctuate the game of the other participants, they had a feeling of abandonment and a tenfold determination to extract themselves from this tribe.

Their beach, without being hell on Earth, is the one that the last candidates of “Koh-Lanta, the immunity hunters” knew at the time of the tropical storm. And if they had found the site magnificent, it is also because the context allowed it. During the filming of “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”, the beach is less clear, leaving only a thin strip of black sand available. The vegetation is denser and more hostile. And, finally, the brightness is more reduced because of sunlight hitting the high neighboring cliffs.

Julie, Meïssa, Pauline, Sébastien and Léa in “Koh-Lanta, the immunity hunters”
TF1 screenshot

An emergency exit at each immunity test “until further notice”

“Permanent elimination awaits you”learned Vanessa, Ilyesse, Mélissa and Nathanaël when they discovered that a test could allow them to get back into the game. To do this, they must find a small white statuette, an anito, hidden in the bed of a river located behind their beach. At the same time, the other 21 adventurers were informed, at the end of the comfort test, that a member of the losing team will compete in a duel.

“Until further notice, after each comfort game, there will be a duel between a member of the losing team and a member of the cursed tribe.explained Denis Brogniart. The winner of the duel will return to the team with an individual immunity necklace valid until reunification. The loser will go to the cursed tribe. Having won his duel against Emmanuelle, Ilyesse was able to exchange places and join the yellow tribe.

Mélissa, Vanessa, Ilyesse and Nathanaël on the beach of the cursed tribe of “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe”
TF1 screenshot

The Cursed Tribe: Advantage or Disadvantage?

Cécile and Ari, eliminated at the end of the advice of the third and sixth days of the adventure of “Koh-Lanta, the cursed tribe” are perhaps telling themselves today that a stay on the cursed island would not have been so bad. If the four candidates who stay there all dream of getting out, they have the advantage of remaining in the game. But until when? At what point will the axe of definitive elimination fall on them and in what manner?

The only certainty: each comfort test, organized every three days, is an exit for the members of the cursed tribe. In total, there will be about seven to eight opportunities before reunification. And if they manage to join one of the two main teams, their future in the adventure will be weakened by their lack of affinities with the other candidates. Even if they have an immunity necklace, their situation will remain precarious.



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