Scourge of school bullying, the AJA is recruiting, rain… Practical information for this Tuesday, September 3

Today’s weather, the article you shouldn’t have missed, a meeting on our site… Find the practical information for this Tuesday, September 3, 2024 in Yonne.

Today’s weather

The weather will be cloudy and rainy this Tuesday, September 3 in Yonne. Temperatures will range from 16 to 24 °C.

Happy birthday to the Gregorys!

Heritage lottery: the Saint-Jean chapel in Sens, among the eight regional sites selected

The article you shouldn’t have missed

Looking for reinforcements at the winger position after Lasso Coulibaly’s serious knee injury, AJA announced on Monday, September 2, 2024, the signing for five years of young Ivorian Aristide Zossou from Mali.

Experience the start of the school year in Yonne schools in pictures

An appointment on our site

The fight against harassment, a real scourge in schools, has been made a priority by the Ministry of National Education. As students returned to class yesterday, the Lycée Fourier-Saint-Germain in Auxerre wanted to raise awareness among its second-year students on the subject, from their first day of class. Élian Potier, president of the Urgence Harcèlement association, came to give his testimony on this scourge that affects one in ten young people. A report to be discovered during the day on our website

premium The owner of Mitigana will breathe new life into the Le Canotier bar-restaurant in Joigny

The editorial staff


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