The 7/10 7:50 a.m.: Sonia Devillers’ guest on 7:50 a.m. Agnes Jaoui actress, director, singer. For the film My life, my face by Sophie Fillières, in theaters September 18, the book The size of our breasts (September 11, Grasset) and the album Wait for the Sun to Come Back (September 20, Baboo Music)
8:20 a.m.: Guests of Nicolas Demorand’s Grand Entretien Is France right or left? Vincent Tiberius political scientist, sociologist, teacher at Sciences Po Bordeaux, author of The French shift to the right (September 4, PUF) Jerome Fourquet political scientist, director of the opinion department at IFOP, author of France after (Threshold, 2023)
9:05 a.m.: Guests of the 7/10 Debate by Nicolas Demorand Theme: Platform regulation: does the Pavel Durov case set a precedent? Olivier Tesquet journalist at Télérama, Bastien Le Querrec lawyer and member of Quadrature du Net and Gerald Bronner professor of sociology at the University of Paris, member of the Academy of Technologies and member of the National Academy of Medicine
9:20: The 9:20 interview with Mathilde Serrel Caroline Goldman child and adolescent psychologist , author of the Today’s Parents’ Guide (France Inter/Flammarion).
9:45 a.m.: Marie Misset’s New Head guest Clara-Maria Laredo, Actress for the film A son image by Thierry de Peretti in theaters September 4.