Léa Salamé deprived of airtime!

Léa Salamé deprived of airtime!

Once again on the front line on France Télévisions for the Paralympic Games, Léa Salamé is making France Inter pay a high price.

Just over two weeks after the end of the Olympic Games, Paris has started to vibrate again for the Paralympic Games. The public responded in mass and the enthusiasm is also verified every day by reading the audience figures on France Télévisions. As the main broadcaster of the event, the public service has pulled out all the stops for the occasion.

France Télévisions has in fact more or less renewed its Olympic Games program, devoting one of its channels to the Paralympic event, while the talk show Quelles Jeux also closes each day, this time on France 3, with the Laurent Luyat-Léa Salamé tandem still at the helm.

Absent from the morning show for three days this week

And if after having chained Roland-Garros, the Tour de France and then the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the holiday time is approaching for the emblematic sports presenter on the public service, it is different for his sidekick. The return to school has indeed already rung on the radios and Raphaël Glucksmann’s partner was also on deck last week for the return.

Once again in charge of the morning show with Nicolas Demorand on France Inter this season, Léa Salamé must nevertheless step back due to the Games. While Emmanuel Macron could finally announce the name of the new Prime Minister this Tuesday, the Beirut native will be absent for several days this week in order to be present seven days a week on Quelles jeux!


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