Back to school in Dordogne: in Bergerac, low-income families will benefit from the one-euro canteen

The ambition of the mayor of Bergerac, Jonathan Prioleaud, is to make his canteen more equitable: “We want to reduce social and economic inequalities in our city.“For this 2024 school year, Monday September 2, a new meal pricing system is set up.

Until now, school canteen pricing was divided into five bands. Now there are nine: “This reduces the gap between the slices, explains the mayor of Bergerac. There will be less of a step effect. We also reduce the price of the meal for the lowest coefficients“. For the lowest price bracket, the meal will cost one euro. The most expensive meal will be 5.46 euros.”Each meal costs 7.50 euros to the City of Bergeraccontinues Jonathan Prioleaud. So no matter the family, we participate in the better eating of each child. Bergerac will have to increase its canteen budget by 50,000 euros per year to implement this measure.

More organic and local products

This policy is part of the development of a central kitchen in Bergerac. It has been in operation since summer 2023.We are in stage number 2: we are now at 58% organic and local products“, continue Jonathan Prioleaud.

Bergerac has about 1,400 students in the first level (nursery and primary school). Three-quarters eat in the canteen every lunchtime, so about 1,000.We want to increase the number of children who eat directly at their schoolexplains the city’s mayor. Our new policy allows 40% of families to see the price of the canteen drop. For the highest brackets, the price follows that of inflation. We leave purchasing power to all Bergeracois.


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