Thierry Beaudet, the president of the Cese, soon to be appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron? : News

After long weeks of indecision, Emmanuel Macron has reportedly decided to appoint Thierry Beaudet, president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, to Matignon, according to L’Opinion. Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, also considered, are being received at the Élysée on Monday, September 2.

Is the long search for a Prime Minister finally coming to an end? L’Opinion claims on Monday, September 2, that Emmanuel Macron is preparing to appoint Thierry Beaudet to Matignon. He is currently president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE). The situation is said to have settled down on Thursday, when the head of state contacted him to offer him the position – an offer that the person concerned is said to have accepted.I’m going to need loyal friends“, he is said to have confided to one of his friends about his nomination, again according to L’Opinion.

His election to the Cese was made possible by the support of the former secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, to whom he is close. This council includes representatives of unions, employers and associations. The Cese had notably hosted the convention on climate and that on the end of life. Enough to help calm relations between the executive and the unions? Thierry Beaudet is in any case free of any political career and can boast the status of figure of the famous “civil society“.

Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand received at the Élysée this Monday

This nomination would be a surprise, as the names of the socialist Bernard Cazeneuve, already a tenant of Matignon under François Hollande, and Xavier Bertrand, a figure of the right and of Hauts-de-France, have been circulating in recent days. Both are invited to the Élysée this Monday. Former presidents François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy are also due to go there. A few days earlier, after extensive consultations, Emmanuel Macron had rejected the name of Lucie Castets, designated candidate for Matignon by the New Popular Front, which came out on top in the legislative elections last July.

published on September 2 at 12:50 p.m., Emmanuel Davila, 6Medias



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