Prime Minister: who is Thierry Beaudet, tipped for Matignon?

After weeks of waiting and procrastination, Emmanuel Macron has reportedly decided to appoint Thierry Beaudet as Prime Minister. According to L’Opinion, which revealed the information, “ Emmanuel Macron contacted him on Thursday and Thierry Beaudet gave his agreement. ” The announcement could come in the next few hours.

Aged 62, the man is unknown to the general public. Born in Domfront, in Orne, a trained teacher, he was elected president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) in May 2021. This organization, which presents itself as “ an essential cog in our democracye”, advises the government and parliament and participates in the development and evaluation of public policies.

Thierry Beaudet, father of two children, has also been an elected member of the mutualist movement at the national level since 2003. President of the National Federation of French Mutualism from 2016 to 2021, he founded and chaired the VYV Group from 2017 to June 2021. He chaired MGEN, the first mutual insurance company for public service employees, from 2009 to 2017.

“The deep fractures in our society”

At the end of July, a few weeks after the results of the early legislative elections, Thierry Beaudet recalled the need to fully involve citizens and intermediary bodies in the democratic life of the country. The results of the legislative elections have largely redrawn the political landscape of our country. Once again, these elections have revealed the deep fractures that run through our society. They cannot be ignored any longer. ” wrote the EESC president.

« Our democracy is vulnerable. To preserve it, we must act with rigor and fully involve citizens and intermediary bodies. Political decision-makers bear the responsibility of enabling this by making compromises that are useful to the country. The period obliges them “, added Thierry Beaudet.

A supporter of Citizens’ Conventions

The EESC also piloted the organisation of the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life for four months. At the end of this work, Thierry Beaudet called for more Citizens’ Conventions to be organised, in order to “ bring the desire for democracy to life, regain vision and confidence between each election, bring citizens closer to the decisions that concern them ».

« All the great democracies are under tension, the times demand that demanding decisions be taken, sometimes even difficult but accepted because they are shared. ” he noted.


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