It’s the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Nearly 12 million children are heading back to school on Monday, September 2. This is an opportunity for parents to buy the necessary school supplies, but also to take out school insurance, which allows a student to be insured in the event of damage during their schooling.
In theory, this insurance is not mandatory. : a teacher cannot refuse a student in class or in sports on the pretext that he does not have one. In other words, it is not legally obligatory for all imposed activities.
School insurance is, however, systematically required by schools for optional activities.. In fact, it is mandatory if the child eats in the canteen and for all extracurricular activities.such as museum trips or language stays. So, yes, a child must indeed be insured.
What are the details?
To properly protect your child, the school insurance contract chosen must include two guarantees. First of all civil liability insuranceto cover material damage that your child could cause to others, such as if he breaks a friend’s glasses in the playground. There is also personal bodily injury insurance, personal accident insurance. If a child hurts someone or is injured, for example during sports class.
These two coverages are often present in the multi-risk home insurance contract or in a life accident guarantee.
So you have to be careful about duplicates. But It happens that multi-risk home insurance does not reimburse everything, while school insurance reimburses from the first euro. These contracts generally do not cover any damages that your child may suffer.
School insurance also covers cases of racketeering and also guarantees against theft of musical equipment, or psychological assistance in the event of cyberbullying. This insurance costs 10 euros per year if it covers school time and travel.or up to 40 euros for the most comprehensive packages.
Before subscribing to school insurance, it is recommended to compare the offers and prices proposed.
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