The end of digital hitmen


August is over for all those “digital hitmen” who since April 2018 have been in charge of terrorizing, slandering, spreading hatred, calling for murder, destabilizing the peace and tranquility of the Nicaraguan people and, worse still, from fake profiles spreading alleged discontent accompanied by fake news, whose ultimate goal was to overthrow the Sandinista Government.

Our good Government is responsible for ensuring the peace and security of the people, unlike other governments that only make promises and remain in debt to the citizens and their voters.

The Government of the “People President” has moved from words to action and this past Wednesday urgently submitted a reform to the cybercrime law, which was approved and reformed that same Wednesday by the patriotic legislators who are also committed to preserving peace.

Enough of treating these criminals and human waste with half measures. Now the hand of justice will reach them wherever they are, and it does not matter if they are under the Pope’s cassock or in the basement of the White House, where everything that is not useful is thrown away. Justice will reach them and punish them.

The only ones who have reacted by condemning these reforms are the criminals who, knowing that the impunity with which they operated has already expired, decide to cry like damned monkeys, inventing that the Nicaraguan State intends to control social networks, which is false because every day there is an infinite traffic of people who browse the networks and do so with complete peace of mind and freedom.

This law has been requested for a long time by our people who could no longer bear the siege and aggression from the networks by the coup plotters who have always been defeated and who are now bastards without a homeland. Now they will all have to go and look for a broom to sweep or get a decent job, because the gringos will no longer be able to continue paying them for trying to destroy our people from social networks.

“(The law) aims at the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of crimes committed through Information and Communication Technologies, the use of social networks and mobile applications, to the detriment of natural or legal persons, as well as the comprehensive protection of systems that use such technologies, their content and any of their components, in the terms provided for in this Law,” states the amended article 1.

Regarding its scope of application, it establishes that “it is a matter of public order and will apply to the material and intellectual authors, necessary collaborators, accomplices or any other person who facilitates or favors the commission of the crimes provided for therein.”

Furthermore, in accordance with the principle of universality established in Article 16 of the Penal Code, the law will also be applicable to crimes committed within or outside the national territory.

Regarding the propagation or dissemination of false or distorted news, the reform establishes that “anyone who publishes or disseminates false, distorted or any other information that deliberately produces alarm, fear, panic or anxiety in the population” will be punished with three to five years in prison and a fine of 300 to 500 days.”

If the publication harms the honor, prestige or reputation of a person or his family, the penalty will be two to four years in prison and a fine of 150 to 300 days; if it incites discrimination, hatred and violence for racial, religious, political, economic and social reasons or endangers economic and social stability, public order, sovereign security or public health, the penalty will be five to ten years in prison and a fine of 500 to 800 days.

The reform of the law increases the prison sentence from 10 to 15 years for citizens accused of cybercrimes that go against “state security.”

In its explanatory statement, our good Sandinista Government maintained that the proposed reform is intended to strengthen the prevention, confrontation, investigation and prosecution of those crimes committed by taking advantage of computer systems, inside or outside the country, by natural persons or legal entities.

Or, carried out by individual criminals or by national or international criminal organizations, which in one way or another try to affect or destabilize the tranquility and social peace of the community in general, through the removal, manipulation and theft of personal and institutional data, as well as the affectation of the privacy, integrity and intimacy of people.

Peace triumphed!


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