The disappearance of Kylian Binard is experienced as a “real tsunami”

The disappearance of Kylian Binard is experienced as a “real tsunami”
The disappearance of Kylian Binard is experienced as a “real tsunami”


Ludovic Ameline

Published on

September 30, 2024 at 5:49 p.m.

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The tragic death of young Kylian Binard Sunday September 29, 2024 in the morning on the parking lot of the disco the Octavia in Subles () was a immense shock for his loved ones and his trainer from the Boxing Club Saint-Lois.

” It’s a real tsunamiI am devastated, assures Jean Metay, his coach for two years. My stomach hurt all night, it made my guts upset. »

A boxing hopeful

According to our information, the altercation involved two groups of individuals. It all started with an accidental spilled drink. inside the discotheque by the victim.

Despite apologies, the situation would have quickly degenerated to the closing of the establishment, a fight shining in the parking lot.

I met one of his friends present in the parking lot. He’s devastated, it’s like he’s lost a brother. He had his hands, we have to see in what condition. Their group of friends found themselves faced with around twenty individuals ready to fight. And Kylian then took cowardly stab wounds, including one to the throat.

Jean Metay, his trainer for two years

Kylian Binard was a great hope boxing, with 8 fights and 6 victories.

He was champion of Espoir and had to participate in combats in Villedieu and .

A devastated club

“He was an upright young man. The members of the club are devastated, comments Jean Metay. Life must go on without him. And that’s a shame. Because we will miss him. We will miss his presence. We will miss his kindness. We will miss his honesty and his friendship. »

A feeling shared by Jacky Adam, the president from the Saint-Lois club who said they were very affected by this disappearance.

He was a discreet young man. He’s the type of youngster that any club would like to have. Kylian’s premature death shocked everyone, especially within the club where he was well integrated and appreciated.

Jacky Adam, president of the Saint-Lois club

Anger and incomprehension

The ex-president of the club also did not hide her anger and his incomprehension.

“He had his whole life ahead of him. It should not end in a nightclub parking lot,” confides Nadège Pierre. “When I learned tragic deathI had no words. Kylian was a diligent and promising member, recently rewarded for his sports performance during last season. »

He was the nicest young man. He had all the joy of living. I can still hear Jean Metay telling him on this occasion: “We are going to do great things together this season because you have pugilistic abilities. » I don’t even dare imagine what his family, his parents, his big brother are feeling today. It’s horrible! She has our full support in this ordeal.

Nadège Pierre

The community said it was deeply affected by the tragic loss of Kylian. A tribute must be returned to him this Monday, September 30 around 6:30 p.m. by his training partners to the Exodus roomthrougha minute of silence.

The French Boxing Federation also joined in the punishment of the Saint-Lois club and the family. She will soon pay tribute to the young boxer.

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