in , demonstrators pay tribute to the young woman and denounce “migratory laxity”

in , demonstrators pay tribute to the young woman and denounce “migratory laxity”
in Paris, demonstrators pay tribute to the young woman and denounce “migratory laxity”

Several hundred people gathered at Place Denfert-Rochereau on Sunday afternoon, at the call of the feminist and identity collective Némésis, and in the company of families of victims killed or raped by foreigners under OQTF.

“Philippine could have been our sister” : on the rare signs brandished by the demonstrators, the face of the 19-year-old young woman whose body was found buried in the de Boulogne seems to gaze at the crowd with a frozen smile. At the call of the Némésis collective, activists from the identity right who denounce “the dangerous impact of mass immigration on Western women”several hundred people gathered Sunday afternoon on Place Denfert-Rochereau to pay tribute to the young victim.

It was already there, in October 2022, that a gathering was held in tribute to Lola, a 12-year-old child killed in atrocious circumstances in . The link between the two cases? The suspected perpetrators, Dahbia B. and Taha O., are two foreigners in an irregular situation subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), which had not been executed. Fueling in part of the public an anger and a feeling of revolt against justice and the administration of the country, which the crowd gathered this Sunday holds responsible for the death of Philippine: “The state killed me”proclaims a banner displayed in front of the stage.

“It disgusts me that the government is not here”

If several identity movements, like “The Natives” who had organized last year a tribute to Thomas killed during a party in Crépol, participated in the rally, the organizers of the Némésis collective indicated that they did not want the gathering to be the subject of partisan appropriation, also asking to the few politicians present (Senator Stéphane Ravier, from Reconquête! and the RN, or Florian Philippot, president of the Patriots) not to speak. “Justice for Philippine” only chanted the crowd occasionally, in the middle of a collected gathering where anger was only expressed in hushed tones.

Several demonstrators expressed to the Figaro their regret at not seeing slogans chanted more “politics”when others on the contrary welcomed a gathering “on”. “Where are the Parisians? There should be thousands of women” said Cécile, a mother who regrets that the crowd was not larger. “It disgusts me that the government is not here, what are they waiting for to listen and act?” said Bruno, an older man, who wears the yellow ribbon in his buttonhole in homage to the Hamas hostages.

Also readPhilippine murder: suspect’s previous victim urges better prevention of recurrence of sex crimes

Testimonies from several relatives of victims of foreigners under OQTF

Several relatives of victims killed or raped by illegal aliens expressed their sadness at the death of Philippine, and spoke into the microphone in front of the silent crowd their anger at what they consider to be a new consequence of the “migratory and security laxity”. A mother whose daughter was brutally murdered expressed her concern: “It doesn’t just happen to Paris, it doesn’t just happen to others” insisted this resident of Limousin, judging that the death of her daughter or of Philippine could have been avoided if a better integration policy was implemented: “In , women are not cattle, we must explain to immigrants that they have rights but also duties”.

Marius, grandson of Berthe Picot, murdered at the age of 91 by a foreigner also targeted by an OQTF, first recounted the horror he experienced the day he found his grandmother lying dead in a puddle of blood on the floor of his apartment. Considering that “non-compliance with the OQTF is a serious flaw” in the functioning of institutions, and that “it costs lives”he clung to the “broken window theory” : “When we leave a broken window without repairing it, it sends a signal that the social order is unclear and that the rules are not respected. Each time an OQTF is pronounced without being applied, it is another broken window in our society” he professed. Adding: “I attended the trial of my grandmother’s killer, this man is an empty shell shaped by chaos and violence. We must impose our standards to send a strong signal to all those who violate them!”

Also readMurder of Philippine: in , the prefecture prohibits a counter-demonstration alongside a tribute

Didier Migaud booed, the “antifas” too

The gathering was also at the initiative of Claire Geronimi, a young Parisian who testified to the rape she suffered in the lobby of her building, committed by a foreigner again under OQTF. She stood on stage alongside Nemesis spokesperson Alice Cordier, who observed a minute of silence in tribute to Philippine, before declaring: “after the time of emotion comes that of anger, a controlled and responsible anger”.

Another Nemesis activist, Mathilda, made people boo “antifa activists” having interrupted another tribute to Philippine which was held in in Isère on Saturday morning. Boos also came from the crowd at the mention of the new Minister of Justice, Didier Migaud, who was pleased at the start of last week that “the rate of execution of sentences has never been so high in France” than today. The suspected murderer of Philippine was released from prison before serving the entire sentence he was serving for a rape committed in 2019, then a liberty and detention judge authorized his release from the administrative detention center where he was being held awaiting deportation.



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