in Dordogne, candidate president Florian Grill spoke about finances and school rugby

There were around fifty people who came to the club house of the Sem-Gallet stadium in Belvès, Saturday September 28: presidents, managers, educators, supporters. From Dordogne, Lot-et-Garonne – “we are reforming Périgord-Agenais”, smiles Éric Marchoux, the president of Lacapelle-Biron – and a few from Corrèze, Fédérale or series, they wanted to hear and question Florian Grill, the president of the French Rugby Federation, candidate for re-election in the October 19 vote.

He came accompanied by his running mate Ariane Van-Ghelue and Michel Rechède, who will lead the Oval list together for the elections at the head of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine league. “I know Christian Léothier well [NDLR : le maire de Pays-de-Belvès]who chaired AC Boulogne-Billancourt, like me a little later. »

Florian Grill surrounded by Ariane Van-Ghelue and Michel Rechède in Belvès.

A. L.

And the referees?

So the move to the Sangliers was necessary. After praising volunteering, there was time for questions and answers for two hours. And there was first a lot of talk about the finances of the FFR, “in a catastrophic situation”. What to worry about an increase in the price of licenses. Rejected by Grill. “When you don’t have money, you try to have ideas,” he says.

And to list the solutions he recommends, from the renegotiation of contracts to the search for partners through the reduction of expenses. Then came the problem of the lack of referees, particularly acute in Dordogne during this full weekend of competitions (regional, federal and youth): “There are 2,900, we need 3,600.”

The meeting was based on questions and answers.

A. L.

Place was given to policy aimed at schools, by the game of 7 or 5 (to touch), by rapprochement with National Education or teacher training. “Every meeting is different. Each territory has different questions. We tackle any subject. It is important to defend rugby in villages and medium-sized towns. »



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