Who is Sébastien, the new Maestro who eliminated Coline (Don’t forget the words)?

Who is Sébastien, the new Maestro who eliminated Coline (Don’t forget the words)?
Who is Sébastien, the new Maestro who eliminated Coline (Don’t forget the words)?

After 61 victories and 272,000 euros in accumulated winnings, the champion of N’oubliez pas les paroles, Coline, was eliminated by Sébastien during the first show broadcast on Saturday September 21, 2024 on 2. Here is who the new Maestro is.

Screenshot Don’t forget the lyrics / France 2

Qualified for the next edition of the Masters of Don’t forget the words, Coline left her mark on the show. In fact, she became the 15th best candidate in the history of the music game embodied by Nagui with 272,000 euros in winnings. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Indeed, the Maestro lost the silver microphone on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

In the first issue of Don’t forget the lyrics broadcast that day on France 2, Coline was faced with a new opponent named Sébastien. When entering the set, the candidate revealed to Nagui that he had already participated in the show two years before. A first appearance of which he has rather mixed memories.

Sébastien (Don’t forget the lyrics): the new Maestro works as a second-hand dealer

I had a great time. It was awesome“, Sébastien first indicated. “I had scored zero on the test of The Same Song when I started“, the candidate then added. “So the Maestro didn’t need to sing“, for his part specified Nagui. “Yes exactly, I gave him this gift” replied Sebastian.

The man who would become the new Maestro of the programme a few minutes later then indicated that he lived near , where he works.second-hand dealer“. “People call me when they have things to sell. I can also buy at auctions.“, stressed Sébastien, before specifying that he specialized in: “Tableware“.

Coline (Don’t forget the lyrics): “I could never thank enough all those who participated, near or far, in all this”

In the end, Sébastien took advantage of a mistake by Coline during his interpretation of Jenifer’s emblematic title: My revolutionto grab the coveted silver microphone. Following her elimination, the former champion of Don’t forget the lyrics expressed herself through a long message published on her Instagram account.

I have lived an extraordinary adventure these last two months. : emotions galore, encounters, sharing, laughter… I could never thank enough all those who participated, directly or indirectly, in all of this: Anthony, the casting directors, Les Zicos, the choristers, Fabien and Magalie, all my challengers, the mood setters, Bruno, the technicians, stage managers, make-up artists, hairdressers, dressers, security guards…”Coline wrote in particular.



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