Amiens: highlights of the 2024 Heritage Days

Amiens: highlights of the 2024 Heritage Days

LThe 2024 edition of Heritage Days is announced ” ambitious and festive “, enthuses Pierre Savreux, the vice-president of Amiens Métropole who unveiled the program on Monday, September 9, 2024. The budget is increasing from 25,000 to 50,000 euros. The program begins this weekend of September 14 and 15, as part of Heritage Month, which this year replaces the Ten Days of Heritage in Amiens, a metropolis of art and history.

A night show on Saturday September 21st at Quai Bélu

Four by three posters are already announcing the event. The Ilotopie company, a pioneer of street arts, is taking over the Quai Bélu with its water show RéfleXions on Saturday, September 21, starting at 9 p.m. The installation will be visible on the water from Friday afternoon. A magical show composed of dozens of floating silhouettes that will go down the Somme and sow will-o’-the-wisps. This is not the mechanical horse from the opening show of the Paris Olympic Games ceremony, but ” the coincidence » should attract thousands of spectators to Place Parmentier and Quai Bélu.

In September 2021, the fire show by the Carabosse company invited for the end of the celebrations for the 800th anniversary of the cathedral attracted ” nearly 40,000 people “, confides Pierre Savreux. A popular success like that of the Oposito company in June 2022 which today encourages the Metropolis to program ” unifying shows throughout the year ».

A whole month of visits

Throughout the month of September, guided tours are organized in the metropolis. on sometimes difficult subjects » but also concerts.

Two concerts will take place in Querrieu. The first this Saturday, September 14 at 8 p.m. in the church with a baroque program. The second is a piano recital on Thursday, September 26 at 8 p.m. in the music room of the castle. Please note that these concerts are paid (25 euros).

But the one at the Saint-Pierre harmony on Saturday, September 14 at 8:30 p.m. on the forecourt of the cathedral is free. Otherwise, a guided tour is planned for Sunday, September 15 at 4:30 p.m. on the industrial wastelands of Saint-Leu: Benoît, Gruson or Hunebelle. Meet at 16 rue Gaudissart.

Ursuline embroidery exhibited at the museum

Acquired by the Musée de Picardie thanks to a crowdfunding campaign, the embroidery of the Ursulines of Amiens will be presented to the general public for the first time in the museum’s Grand Salon on September 21 and 22. Guided tours will allow visitors to learn more about this piece made by the nuns around 1660 and which left Amiens in 1904, at the time of the expulsion of the religious congregation during the Thirde Republic. The embroidery will then be the subject of ” of an exhibition dedicated to the month of March before going into restoration ».

New features open for visits

The Heritage Days attracted 60,000 visitors in 2023. Photo: Fred HASLIN – PHOTOPQR/LE COURRIER PICARD/MAXP

If the cathedral, the zoo whose entrance fee is one euro during the Heritage Days, the Jules-Verne circus and Cosserat attract the most visitors, other sites will be open to the public and to (re)discover. Like the Saint-Honoré church now protected as a Historic Monument. This is a replica of the papal pavilion from the 1937 World’s Fair. “, recalls Pierre Savreux.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liberation, a guided tour is planned for Saturday and Sunday at the citadel on the 37 people shot in August 1944.

Rue Dejean, the site of the future platform for images and creation can be discovered on Sunday, September 22 at 10:30 a.m. Finally, on September 20th we will inaugurate the archaeological trail around the castle mound in Boves. The ruins of the feudal castle have been the subject of an excavation site for 29 years, making it one of the oldest sites in Hauts-de-France. ” The opportunity to go to Boves.

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