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“Very angry”, Aymeric Caron will no longer block the RN

“Very angry”, Aymeric Caron will no longer block the RN

He won’t do it again. Aymeric Caron, a member of parliament affiliated with La France Insoumise, recently expressed his deep anger by declaring that he would no longer support the formation of a “republican front” during an electoral duel between a Macronist candidate and a representative of the National Rally (RN). This position, which he shared on X on September 7, marks a turning point for the elected official, who specifies that he will not vote in such circumstances, even if it means a victory for the RN.

« This time, no forgiveness, no more ‘republican front’ “, writes Aymeric Caron who claims to be ” very very angry ». « If tomorrow there is a vote to take place between an LR/Macronist candidate and an RN candidate, there will be no vote on my part. ” he explains to HuffPost. And ” even if it leads to a victory for the RN” because “at least we will know what is in front of us and what we are fighting against. »

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“Sweep away the Macronists”

Aymeric Caron justifies this decision by denouncing a ” accord “tacit agreement between Emmanuel Macron and the RN, which would have facilitated the nomination of Michel Barnier, a man of the right, to the post of Prime Minister.” When I see that those with whom we are supposed to block are applying ideas that become those of the RN and then they make agreements with them, we can no longer count on a republican front for future political events. “, announces Aymeric Caron, judging that the republican front no longer has any reason to exist in the next political elections.

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This position was not shared with the other members of La France Insoumise or the representatives of the left, the MP emphasizes, but he insists on the seriousness of the current situation. He recalls that, during the 2022 legislative elections, the left mobilized to block the nationalist right, but today he denounces a ” deception ” comparable to that of the 2005 referendum on the European Constitution.

In the short term, Aymeric Caron is now calling for the preservation of the unity of the left, with the mission of ” sweep away the macronists ” so that the next electoral confrontation is played out between the left and the nationalist right.


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